What is GIS?
GIS is a multi-component system used to create, manage, analyze and disseminate data or information having a spatial component. You might want to view the ES214 course page lecture notes for an in-depth introduction to GIS and spatial analysis.
Who do I contact regarding GIS needs?
All GIS requests should be submitted to Manny Gimond (e-mail:[email protected], phone: ext. 4203)
What software do we support?
We currently support ArcGIS Pro. The software is installed on the computers in DIA 322 and DIA 222. Note that DIA 222 computers are restricted to students in a GIS related course.
We also provide some support for QGIS and spatial analysis with R.
Where can I find additional ArcGIS and R spatial analysis resources at Colby?
ArcGIS Desktop (ArcMap) tutorials can be found here.
ArcGIS Pro tutorials can be found here.