Marta Ameri

Ameri, S. K. Costello, S. J. Scott and G. Jamison, eds. Seals and Sealing in the Ancient World: Case Studies from the Ancient Near East, Egypt, the Aegean, and South Asia. Cambridge University Press, 2018.
“Women, Seals, and Power in Prehistoric Iran and Central Asia.” in M. Bayless, J. Lillequist
and L. Webb, eds., Gender and Status Competition in Pre-Modern Societies. Turnhout: Brepols. 2022, 19-42.
“Reconstructing an Administrative System: Storage and Sealing at Gilund.” In P. Shirvalkar and E. Prasad eds.,Culture, Tradition and Continuity: Disquisitions in Honour of Prof. Vasant Shinde. New Delhi: B R Publishing House. 2021.
“Iconographic Variability and Regional Identity in the Harappan World: The ‘Divine Adoration’ Seal from Dholavira.” In V. N. Prabhakar ed. Recent Advances in Harappan Archaeology. Ancient lndia (New Series.) Vol. 5 (Special volume dedicated to Dr R. S. Bisht). Forthcoming.
“Characters, Scenes, and Narratives: Building a Typology for Indus Seal Iconography.” In S. V. Rajesh Abhayan G.S. and Preeta Nayar eds. In Search of the Roots of the First Urban Civilization in South Asia: An Insight into the Harappan Archaeology in Gujarat. Thiruvananthapuram: Department of Archaeology, University of Kerala. Forthcoming 2022.
A. Lazzari, M. Vidale, and M. Ameri, “Seals and Seal Impressions from Shahr-i Sokhta (Continued)” In A. Parpola, B.M. Pande, and P. Koskikallio eds. Corpus of Indus Seals and Inscriptions, Vol. 3: New Material, untraced objects, and collections outside India and Pakistan, Part 3. Helsinki: Soumalainen Tiedeakatemia. In proofs.
“Who Holds the Keys? Identifying Female Administrators at Shahr-i Sokhta,” Iran: Journal of the British Institute of Persian Studies.
“Seals and Sealings from the Ahar-Banas Culture.” In A. Parpola, B.M. Pande, and P. Koskikallio eds., Corpus of Indus Seals and Inscriptions, Vol. 3: New Material, untraced objects, and collections outside India and Pakistan, Part 2: Shahr-i Sokhta; Mundigak; Mehrgarh, Nausharo, Sibri; Dauda-damb; Chanhu-daro; Ahar, Balathal, Gilund; Kalibangan; Rojdi. Helsinki: Soumalainen Tiedeakatemia, 2019, p. xxx-xxxiii.
“Variations on a Theme: Iconographic Variability in the Horned Anthropomorphic Figures of the Harappan World,” Artibus Asiae 79, no. 1 (2019): 29-50.
“The Sincerest Form of Flattery? Terracotta Seals as Evidence of Imitation and Agency in Bronze Age Middle Asia’, in Frenez, D., Jamison, G., Law, R., Vidale, M. & Meadow, R. (eds.) Walking with the Unicorn: Social Organization and Material Culture in Ancient South Asia. Oxford: Archaeopress, 2018 pp. 19-25.
S. K. Costello, S. J. Scott, and G. Jamison. “Introduction: Small Windows, Wide Views.” In Seals and Sealing in the Ancient World: Case Studies from the Ancient Near East, Egypt, the Aegean, and South Asia, edited by M. Ameri, S. K. Costello, S. J. Scott and G. Jamison, 1-10. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018.
“Letting the Pictures Speak: An Image-based Approach to the Mythological and Narrative Imagery of the Harappan World.”In Seals and Sealing in the Ancient World: Case Studies from the Ancient Near East, Egypt, the Aegean, and South Asia, edited by M. Ameri, S. K. Costello, S. J. Scott and G. Jamison, 144-66. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018.
“Changing Patterns of Indo-Iranian Interaction in the Third and Second Millennia BCE as Seen from the Ahar-Banas Culture.” In Contextualizing Material Culture in South and Central Asia in Pre-Modern Times, edited by U. Franke and V. Widorn, 37-49. Turnhout: Brepols, 2016.
“Report on the Seal Impressions and Related Small Finds.” In Excavations at Gilund: The Artifacts and Other Studies, edited by T. Raczek, V.S. Shinde, and G. Possehl, 157-209. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014.
“Regional Diversity in the Indus: The Evidence of the Seals.” In Connections and Complexity: New Approaches to the Archaeology of South and Central Asia, Studies in Honor of Gregory L. Possehl, edited by S. Abraham, P. Gullapali, T. Raczek and U. Rizvi, 355-74. Left Coast Press, 2013.
“Middle Asian Interconnections at the turn of the Second Millennium BC: Locating the Foreign Elements in the Gilund Seals and Seal Impressions.” In The Gilund Project: Excavations in Regional Context, South Asian Archaeology 2007, Special Sessions 2, edited by T. P. Raczek and V. Shinde, 41-50. BAR International Series. Oxford: Archaeopress, 2010.
G. L. Possehl, V. Shinde, and M. Ameri, “The Ahar-Banas Complex and the BMAC,” Man and Environment 29, no. 2 (2004):18-29.
V. Shinde, G. L. Possehl, and M Ameri, “Excavations at Gilund 2001-2003: The Seal Impressions and Other Finds.” In South Asian Archaeology 2003, edited by U. Franke-Vogt and H. Weisshaar, 159-69. Aachen: Linden soft, 2005.
Review of Defining the Sacred: Approaches to the Archeology of Religion in the Near East, edited by Nicola Laneri, American Journal of Archaeology121, no. 1 (January 2017),
Review of The Origins of Monsters: Image and Cognition in the First Age of Mechanical Reproduction by David Wengrow, American Journal of Archaeology 120, no. 1 (January 2016),