Michael Marlais
Professor Emeritus
E-Mail: [email protected]
M.A. and Ph.D., Art History, University of Michigan
B.A., Art History, Cal State Hayward
B.A., English Literature and Political Science, St. Mary’s College
Modern European and American art history
Colby College: 1983-2014
“Daubigny, Courbet, and the Sluice Gate at Optevoz,” in Twenty-First-Century Perspectives on Nineteenth-Century Art, Essays in Honoro of Gabriel P. Weisberg, edited by Petra ten-Doesschate Chu and Laurinda S. Dixon (Wilmington: University of Delaware Press, 2008)
“Charles-Francois Daubigny and the Traditions of French Landscape Painting,” in Valenciennes, Daubigny, and the Origins of French Landscape Painting, by Michael Marlais, John Varriano, and Wendy M. Watson (Mount Holyoke College Art Museum, 2004)
“Thoughts on Landscape,” Colby Quarterly 39, no. 4 (December 2003)
“Neo-Impressionism, Puvis de Chavannes, and the Decorative Aesthetic,” in Neo Impressionism Artists on the Edge (Portland, ME: Portland Museum of Art, 2002)
Conservative Echoes in Fin-De-Siècle Parisian Art Criticism (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1992)
Americans and Paris, by Michael Marlais with an essay by Marianne Doezema (Waterville: Colby College Museum of Art, 1990)