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Feb 09, 2017

Harkett coedits new book on Horace Vernet

With Katie Hornstein, Visiting Associate Professor of Art Daniel Harkett has coedited Horace Vernet and the Thresholds of Nineteenth-Century Visual Culture. Published by the University Press of New England in 2017, this collection reconsiders the life and work of Emile Jean-Horace Vernet (1789–1863), presenting him as a crucial figure for understanding the visual culture of modernity. The book includes work by senior and emerging scholars, showing that Vernet was a multifaceted artist who moved with ease across the thresholds of genre and media to cultivate an image of himself as the embodiment of modern France. In tune with his times, skilled at using modern technologies of visual reproduction to advance his reputation, Vernet appealed to patrons from across the political spectrum and made works that nineteenth-century audiences adored. Even Baudelaire, who reviled Vernet and his art and whose judgment has played a significant role in consigning Vernet to art-historical obscurity, acknowledged that the artist was the most complete representative of his age. For more about this volume, go to