Langdon Quin
Langdon Quin
Langdon Quin will give a slide lecture on his work, Tuesday, March 4, 2008 in Bixler Art and Music Building, room 154 at 4:30 pm.
Quin is a consummate painter who moves effortlessly among the traditions of landscape, figurative and still-life painting. Approaching his subjects with perceptual clarity, he often walks a delicate line – combining essential representation character with the penetrating order of abstraction.
“Quin lays in his paint with the slow deliberation of a builder. Unhurried accumulations of limpid color, married to careful drawing, lend an aristocratic calm to figures, landscape, the occasional still life. Grace notes abound.
His color sense recalls fresco cycles on church walls in the Italy that he paints with obvious love. “
Maureen Mullarkey, Langdon Quin at Kraushaar Galleries, Studio Matters & Commentary. November 2002
Langdon Quin holds a BA from Washington & Lee University, and an MFA in Painting from Yale University. He has taught in a range of programs including BU, Cornell University, Vassar Collage, SUNY at Albany, Skidmore College, New York Academy of Art and since 1998, his current position of Associate Professor of Painting and Drawing at the University of New Hampshire at Durham.
His honors include grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, New York Foundation, the Ingram Merrill Foundation and Louis Comfort Tiffany Foundation.
He has compiled a lengthy list of group shows, visiting artist invitations, public lectures and panel participations. His numerous one-person shows include many in New England, California and several at Kraushaar Galleries in New York, where he has been represented since 1995.
The lecture on March 4th, sponsored by the Colby College Department of Art, and the Arts Lecture Fund, is free and open to the public.