Professor of Art Véronique Plesch has recorded a conversation as part of the podcast series “Canto per Canto: Conversations with Dante in our time,” produced by members of the Dante Society of America in collaboration with the Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò and the Department of Italian Studies at New York University. Plesch’s conversation with Binghamton University’s Olivia Holmes is now available online.
“Canto per Canto” was conceived during the 2020 COVID-19 lockdown in anticipation of the seventh centennial commemoration of Dante’s death in the year 2021. Members of the Dante Society have been recording conversations with friends and colleagues about their favorite cantos of the Divine Comedy, reflecting on what Dante has to say to us now, in our time. All 100 will be published at a rate of two cantos per week, on Mondays and Wednesdays, over the course of a year.