Plesch to give virtual talk to the Medieval Reading Group at the University of Dundee, Scotland.
Prof. Véronique Plesch will present a paper to the Medieval Reading Group at the University of Dundee, Scotland on Wednesday, October 14, 2020 titled ‘The Stage and the Page: Jean Fouquet’s Martyrdom of St. Apollonia’, see the brief abstract below.
Aound 1460, Jean Fouquet, one of the most important French artists of his time, painted a depiction of the Martyrdom of St Apollonia for the Book of Hours of Étienne Chevalier. No study of French medieval theatre seems to be able to avoid reproducing Fouquet’s illumination, for it is one of the very rare renditions of the stage of a mystère. Despite abundant scholarship on this image, questions remain: what exactly does it depict? Why did Fouquet choose to represent the martyrom of a saint as if taking place on the stage?
Le Livre d’Heures d’Etienne Chevalier : Les Suffrages des Saints, martyre de sainte Apolline Fouquet Jean (1420-1477/1481) Chantilly, musée Condé