Sheehan publishes Photography and Its Origins
Edited by Tanya Sheehan (Associate Professor of Art) and Andrés Mario Zervigón (Rutgers University), Photography and Its Origins is a collection of 16 original essays published by Routledge. It showcases both prominent and emerging voices in the field of photography studies, including Colby’s own Laura Saltz (Associate Professor, American Studies).
Recent decades have seen a flourishing interest in and speculation about the origins of photography. Spurred by rediscoveries of ‘first’ photographs and proclamations of photography’s death in the digital age, scholars have been rethinking who and what invented the medium. Photography and Its Origins reflects on this interest in photography’s beginnings by reframing it in critical and specifically historiographical terms. How and why do we write about the origins of the medium? Whom or what do we rely on to construct those narratives? What’s at stake in choosing to tell stories of photography’s genesis in one way or another? And what kind of work can those stories do?
For more information about the book, including a full table of contents, go to: