The Colby Chemistry Department has a broad set of research instrumentation, much of which is also useful in teaching laboratories. Below is a list of some of these instruments, including location and contact persons.
Bruker 500 MHz Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer with Autosampler and Variable-Temperature Capability for one- and two-dimensional data collection for solution samples containing 1H, 13C, etc. Used for both research and teaching. Located in Keyes 208; contact person Jeff Katz or Das Thamattoor.
Single Crystal X-ray Diffractometer with Low Temperature System (Bruker D8 Quest ECO Mo Sealed Tube with Oxford Liquid Nitrogen Based Cryo-Stream) used to collect single crystal diffraction data to generate small molecule crystal structures for research and/or teaching purposes. Located in Keyes 307; contact person Rebecca Conry, Das Thamattoor, or Jeff Katz.
Ion Sense 100 SVP DART and Agilent 6230 Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometers used for research and teaching mass measurements. All located in Keyes 203; contact person Whitney King.
Spectro Arcos Inductively Coupled Plasma-ES elemental analysis used for research and teaching applications. Located in Keyes 203; contact person Whitney King.
A new elemental analyzer is expected to arrive in Fall 2017 to replace an existing unit. Used in research and teaching for to determine elemental (C, H, N, O and S) composition. Location TBD. Contact person Denise Bruesewitz.
Azure c600 gel/blot documentation system. Captures images using a variety of light sources and filters including white light, UV fluorescence, near IR fluorescence, and epi-blue fluorescence. Used often by biochemistry and molecular biology research labs for electrophoresis gels and western blots. Located in Keyes 309; contact person Kevin Rice.
Microcal VP-ITC D Isothermal Titration Calorimeter and MicroCal VP-DSC Differential Scanning Calorimeter for calorimetry measurements. Located in Keyes 203.
Bruker Tensor 27 and Perkin Elmer Spectrum One Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometers for research and teaching infrared absorption measurements. Located on the second floor of Keyes.
Molecular Devices M5 multiformat plate reader (UV/vis absorbance, fluorescence, luminescence, time-resolved fluorescence, fluorescence polarization). Reads up to 384-well microplates for a variety of applications, typically in biochemistry, including protein quantification, cell viability assays, ELISAs, and equilibrium dissociation constant measurements. Located in Keyes 303; contact person Kevin Rice.
Agilent 1260 Dual Isocratic GPC/HPLC/RI for liquid chromatography. Located in Keyes 203
Biosafety level II cell/tissue culture facility, including laminar flow hood, CO2 incubator, inverted microscope with camera, Lonza Nucleofector, and Nexcelom Cellometer. Used to safely carry out experiments using cultured human (and other species) cells. Located in Keyes 303; contact person Kevin Rice.
Vacuum Atmospheres Inert Atmosphere Glovebox with Freezer used to store and manipulate oxygen- and water-sensitive compounds primarily for research purposes. Located in Keyes 202; contact person Rebecca Conry.
BAS Electrochemistry Potentiostat analyzer used for popular electrochemical techniques such as cyclic voltammetry. Located in Keyes 203; contact person Rebecca Conry or Whitney King.
Time-resolved laser flash photolysis system equipped with a solid-state Quantel Brilliant laser (1024/512/355/266 nm) and a GSI Lumonics excimer laser. This system is used for research and teaching to investigate kinetics and lifetimes of reactive intermediates. Located in Keyes 205B; contact Das Thamattoor.
Agilent GC/MS instrument consisting of 7890A gas chromatograph interfaced with a 5975C quadrupole mass spectrometer. Used in research and teaching to acquire GC/MS data on small organic molecules. Located in Keyes 204; contact person Das Thamattoor.
Teledyne Isco automatic medium pressure flash chromatography system. Used in research and teaching for chromatographic separation. Located in Keyes 204; contact person Das Thamattoor.
Milestone microwave system. Used in research and teaching to perform microwave-assisted synthesis. Located in Keyes 305; contact person Das Thamattoor.
Newport photolysis system equipped with a medium pressure Xe-Hg lamp. Used in research and teaching to perform photochemical reactions. Located in Keyes 406; contact person Das Thamattoor.
Two Rayonet-type photochemical reactors. Used in research and teaching to perform photochemical reactions. Located in Keyes 204 and 406; contact person Das Thamattoor.
Agilent diode-array UV-vis spectrometer. Used in research and teaching to acquire UV-vis spectra. Located in Keyes 208; contact person Whitney King or Das Thamattoor.
Thermo Nanodrop One spectrophotometer. Measures UV/vis absorbance in 2 microliter sample volumes for nucleic acids, proteins, and cell cultures. Located in Keyes 303; contact person Kevin Rice.
Varian GC-MS. used for teaching in general chemistry lab and for research purposes. Located in Keyes 405; contact person Das Thamatoor or Lisa Miller.
Two Agilent GC-MS instruments for teaching in the organic chemistry lab. Located in Keyes 204 and 305; contact person Ed Klinkerch or Das Thamatoor.
Twelve Vernier Instruments for use in general chemistry/biochemistry teaching labs that enable use of spectrophotometers, and and additional measurements with conductivity, pH, pressure, and temperature probes. Located in Keyes 405; contact Lisa Miller or Vicky Hepburn
Eight MelTemp devices for determining melting point determination in general chemistry teaching lab. Located in Keyes 305 and 405; contact person Lisa Miller, Vicky Hepburn, or Ed Klinkerch.
Fourteen analytical balances that each measure to four decimal places for use of adjoining general chemistry labs. Located between Keyes 405/409; contact person Lisa Miller or Vicky Hepburn.