Student Research
Senior Capstones
Kevin Muñoz “Taiwan’s Same-Sex Marriage Bill: The Bolstering of Nationalism and Independence Sentiments”
Ashley Olvera “Expectation vs Reality: Education Inequalities for Poor Rural Girls”
Anna Ramirez “A Critical Comparison of Abe Shinzo’s Economic Policies”
Benjamin Retik “Persuading the Peasants: Propaganda Posters from Land Reform to Collectivization 1050-1958”
Tabreya Ryan “Killing Kayako: Deconstructing Male Insecurity, Violence against Women, and Female Vengeance in Shimizu Takashi’s Ju-on: The Grudge (2002)”
Jiameng Sun “Volunteer Participation and Elderly Care in Japan: Evidence from the Japanese General Social Survey”
Pei-sen Zhou “Owners of Science: Political Ideals Carried by Scientists in Unno Juza’s Writing: A Translation of ‘Astonishment of the Slow Artillery’”
Boyu Fu, “Child-rearing Policies in Japan from 2005 to 2018”
Carter Garfield, “Female Impersonation: Gay Culture in Japan and the United States”
Jefferey Lin, “Taiwanese Private Educational Decision Track”
Linh Nguyen, “How Consumerism Shapes/ Distorts the Consuming Market in China and Chinese’ Domestic and Abroad (in Japan) Consumption Behavior?”
Lucas Pereira, “An Otaku Approach to Understanding Fashion Obsession in Tokyo, Japan”
Yiming Qi, “Reading the Love-Relations in Tanizaki Junichiro’s ‘A Portrait of Shunkin’ and ‘A Fool’s Love’: Subversion, Sadomasochism, and Male Fantasy”
Caitlin Rogers, “Migrant Children and Education in China”
Carly Thomas, “The Politics of the PLA: How China uses the PLA to Deter Democracy in Hong Kong”
Alex Beach “Development of Electronic Payment systems in China and its Effects on the Economy”
Gayatri Das Gupta “The 2008 Tainted Formula Crisis: New Mothers and their Continued Preference for Infant Formula”
Loan Heilner “Việt Kiều Mỹ: Vietnamese Refugees’ Immigration to America”
Daphne Hernandez “Japanese Women in the United States: Defining Japanese Identity through Tea Ceremony”
Andy Lin “Money from Fuzhounese Immigrants: Commodifying Filial Piety”
Ling MacLean “Fish Aware of the Water: Asian Colby Students from 1980s Tell Their Stories”
Doug Mo “China’s ‘New Woman’ during the Republican Era (1912-1949): How Linglong Pictorial Magazine (1931-1937) Responded to the Nationalist Government’s Regulations”
Kristen Settele “China and Angola: Oil Relationship in Crisis”
Class Projects
Poetry Reading in Chinese
CN431 students performed a poetry reading of “I am not a native of Wuhan, but I am with you” at Colby’s annual multi-language poetry reading event on Feb. 27, 2020 to show the solidarity of the Colby community with the people of Wuhan in the fight against the Covid-19.

No Steps Behind: A Refugee’s Battle for Women’s Rights
During the Spring of 2019 our advanced Japanese students in JA422 worked on a translation project. They translated “No Steps Behind: A Refugee’s Battle for Women’s Rights” written by Colby alumni Jeff Gottesfeld ’77. The story is about a woman, Beate Sirota Gordon, whose participation in writing the Japanese Constitution after World War II gave women a set of legal rights. Students included Artemis Qi (EA major), Boyu Fu (EA major), Yuta Murata (Japanese minor), Kelsi Liu (Japanese minor) and Zena Abulhab (Japanese minor). Kawashima sensei and Abe sensei helped students edit the book.

An Interactive Map of Prospect Garden
Students in EA 231, The Chinese Novel, create podcasts about characters and incidents in the 18th century novel Dream of the Red Chamber (红楼梦 also known as Story of the Stone). In the iteration of the course offered in Spring 2018, these podcasts were embedded into a map of “Prospect Garden” where many of the characters in the novel resided. Student authors: M Getgen ‘20, Alyssa Lang ‘18, Michael Li ‘19, Ryan Lolar ‘18, Shashank Mittal ‘21. Angie Peterson ‘18, Nicolas Ramirez ‘18, Ben Retik ‘20, Rachel Ryan ‘19, Neil Sefah ‘18, Patrick Sopko ‘20, Elizabeth Stevens ‘21, Ellie Wright ‘20, Ruyu Yang ‘21, Jennifer Ye ‘18