Fulbright Grants
The Fulbright Program enables a student to live and study/conduct research in a foreign country for one academic year. Teaching (English) opportunities are available in a number of French- and Italian-speaking countries in Europe, Africa, and Canada. There are two types of Fullbright grants of interest:
- a teaching grant
- a research grant
For a complete description of the grants:
Fulbright Teaching Assistantship
What is it?
An award from the French Government to teach English in a lycée or collège for a year.
Application Process
Takes place in late September, early October, and is in two parts.
Written. Two one-page essays in English a) one on who you are and why you want to have this experience, and b) the other concerning a non-academic project to undertake while in France.
NB: It is strongly recommended that you ask a professor to critique the first drafts of your essays.
Oral interview. There is an on-campus interview–mostly in English, some in French.
How Difficult is it to Receive?
You need at least a 3.5 GPA.
A number of Colby French majors have been nominated and gone on to win the award.
Foreign Study Abroad
This is a very difficult award to win if you want to study in France. (This is a different award from the Fulbright Teaching Assistantship). It is possible that you would have greater luck by centering your interests on another francophone country in Africa or elsewhere.
In addition to the application form, you will have essays to write, an on-campus interview, plus a further interview if Colby nominates you.
For more information on both English Teaching Assistantships and Study/Research Grants as well as application forms, contact:
Professor Besio ([email protected]) in East Asian Studies.
More information can be found on the Fulbright Website: