Student Blogs
JanPlan, Fulbrights, and more!
The Glockenspiel is real, JanPlan 2020
Fahrradtouren, Wattenmeer und die Oper. See what Catherine duBoulay ’22 experienced for four weeks in the north of Germany.
Maeve geht nach Deutschland, JanPlan 2020
“Das Deutsch, das ich in einem Deutschkurs gelernt habe, ist ein bisschen anderes, als das Deutsch, das die Leute in Deutschland sprechen” – these and other insights from four weeks of farm work are part of Maeve Devlin’s ‘ 22 adventures in metropolitan (NOT) Klotzow.
Education Practicum, JanPlan 2019
Cassandra Winkelman ’21 chronicles her four week Teaching Practicum at the boarding school Louisenlund.
Was mir hier in Deutschland am schwersten fällt, JanPlan 2019
Lots of things can be challenging when living abroad. Gus Schuster ’21 document a number of them during his time in Bremen.
Rebecca Berube & Emilie Ginn in Güby and Joe Yauch in Bremen, JanPlan 2018
Rebecca’s blog
Joe Yauch in Bremen, JanPlan 2018
Another Colby Fulbright Year in Germany, Haßfurt 2015-16
‘From Maine to the Main’…in deepest Bavaria…Kara Witherill ’15 offers a glimpse at the life of a Colby Fulbrighter in Germany (and beyond)!
An American in Bremen, JanPlan 2016
Starting a new chapter in Colby-Germany relations, Brandon Blackburn ’17 shares his journey of being the first Colby English Teaching intern at the Ökumenisches Gymnasium zu Bremen.
English Teaching Assistantship Louisenlund, JanPlan 2016
What adventures did Joebelle Bonete ’18 encounter during her JanPlan of teaching English in Louisenlund, Germany? Find out for yourself!
The Uncensored Lund, Louisenlund, JanPlan 2016
What does the ‘real’ Louisenlund look like? Carmen Cordova ’17 can tell you!
Louisenlund, JanPlan 2015
What does Will Qualey ’16 think about his JanPlan teaching challenge in Louisenlund, Germany? Find out for yourself!
Fulbright Year, Wolfenbüttel 2013-14
Who would have guessed that Carter Stevens’s ’13 Fulbright year in Lower Saxony would turn into a classic Grand Tour!
Louisenlund, JanPlan 2014
Elizabeth Grun ’16 thought she had seen it all. And then came her epic English teaching position in Northern Germany.
Louisenlund, JanPlan 2013
Find out what Kara Witherill ’15 is up to this January during her JanPlan teaching adventure in Louisenlund, Germany.
The Adventures of Being a Colby Alum
Interested to hear about the good life of German students after Colby? Here’s what Lizzy Schneider ’12, Susie Hufstader ’12, Rebecca Chenard ’12, and Meredith Fast ’11 have to report from Germany and Austria.
Life as a Forester…Ramsey Meigs ’11…do we need to say more?
Cliff Katz ’11 as a PCV in Azerbaijan…
Or follow Cliff on Twitter:
Göttingen, JanPlan 2012
Check out what Kate MacNamee ’13 – German Studies and Psychology major – has to say in her blog about her adventures and cultural observations during her January teaching internship at the Theodor Heuss Gymnasium in Göttingen, Germany.
Louisenlund, JanPlan 2012
This blog highlights some of the experiences of German minor Emily Shankle ’13 during her time as a teaching assistant and intern at the northern German Internat Louisenlund in January 2012.
Berlin, JanPlan 2011
Curious how to spend a JanPlan doing research in Berlin? Follow Susie Hufstader’s ’12 blog about her observations and studies during her weeks in Germany’s Hauptstadt exploring the representation of women in Weimar visual culture.
Louisenlund, JanPlan 2011
This blog highlights some of the experiences of Meredith Fast ’11, a German Studies major, during her Louisenlund Teaching Internship in January 2011.
Louisenlund, JanPlan 2010
This Photo Blog documents the adventures of Ramsey Meigs ’11, a German Studies and Geoscience double major, beginning with his Louisenlund Teaching Internship as he travels through Europe from January 2010 – August 2010.
Following his journeys through Europe, see what Ramsey to say about life in a German boarding school? And about studying in Göttingen, at one of Germany’s most prestigious universities?