Hunt Grant History & Guidelines
David Hunt came to Colby because he was looking for a small liberal arts college to help prepare for a career in government. Colby was well known for its language instruction, and Mr. Hunt came to understand that Colby was also strong in history/government. In 1957, the campus was relatively young, but he found the learning atmosphere was always good; the classes were small and provided opportunities for sustained interaction. He found the professors in his major (history/government), to be outstanding. At Colby, Mr. Hunt learned the value of good work habits and discipline, the need to focus one’s attention and to avoid distractions. David Hunt believes that small liberal arts colleges such as Colby can have the most impact on undergraduates, stimulating independent and logical thought in the arts and sciences with a good underpinning of ethics. In our global society, understanding other countries and cultures is essential, and the earlier one is exposed to these differences the better. Mr. Hunt doubts if any college can match Colby’s program in terms of scope and sustained commitment over time. He hopes his gift will allow a few students to undertake or pursue specific study or research in the area of foreign affairs over and above what the College might be able to provide in any single year.
Objectives and Eligibility
The Hunt Grant is designed to support undergraduate field research integral to a two-semester independent project for Colby’s global studies majors during the senior year. It may be used to support travel internationally or in the United States. Students should have an overall 3.5 GPA to apply. Students are urged to consult their faculty advisors or members of the Hunt Grant Subcommittee in preparing this proposal.
Amount of the Awards and the Grants Cycle
Grants will be awarded at the committee’s discretion, and normally will not exceed $1500 per proposal. The application deadline date is the third Friday in September.
The Research Proposal
Give a brief description of what you propose to do and why. The proposal for the honors program or for a year-long independent study will suffice. In providing this description, consider the following questions:
- Describe your two-semester research project, making sure you demonstrate your familiarity with existing literature in the area.
- Describe exactly what you plan to do in your January field research. How will you do the research? Provide a weekly summary of your research plan. What kinds of data or source material will you need to examine? List the archives or collections you hope to visit or the people you hope to interview. State why these activities are necessary for the successful completion of your project. Defend why your plans are viable within the space of a month.
- Briefly, note any connections between your research project and future plans after college.
- Give a detailed budget. It should be clear from the description of the project why you are requesting reimbursement for the particular expenses outlined in your budget.
Reimbursable Expenses and The Budget
The purpose of the grant is to offset research costs. Applications must provide a detailed budget proposal. Economy in budget planning is encouraged. Items for reimbursement may include travel to and from the research site(s), local travel (taxi, metro), food, lodging, telephone, photocopies and research materials. Budgetary limitations may prevent the committee from meeting such requests fully or at all. Students should also apply to the All-College Fund for Special Student Projects through the Dean of Faculty’s office (maximum of $500) to help meet expenses for their projects.