News Feed
What have department members been up to?
- November 2024: Tamar Friedmann and her collaborators P. Hanlon and M. Wachs have had their paper “A new presentation for Specht modules with distinct parts” published in The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics. https://www. php/eljc/article/view/v31i4p41 - July 2024: Stephanie Dodson. Oestreich, W.K., Savoca, M.S. et al. had their paper “Long-distance communication can enable collective migration” published in Sci Rep14, 14857 (2024).
- June 2024: Tamar Friedmann and Qidong He ’21 had their paper “Counting conjugacy classes of elements of finite order in exceptional Lie groups” published in Combinatorial Theory.
- May, 2024: Scott Taylor was awarded a grant from the Mathematical Association of America and Neff Foundation to support Sum Camp!
- Spring 2024: Evan Randles recently submitted a manuscript titled “A note on the completeness of Fourier-based metrics on measures” to the ArXiv.
- December 2023: Scott Taylor spoke at the “Knots With Special Properties” conference in Mérida, Mexico.
- October 2023: Scott Taylor’s textbook Introduction to Mathematics: Number, Space, and Structure was published by the American Mathematical Society.
- October 2023: Fernando Gouveâ‘s A Short Book on Long Sums: Infinite Series for Calculus Students was published by Springer in their Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics series (and in the Readings in Mathematics subseries).
- Fall 2023: Nora Youngs with with R.A. Jeffs, Ryan Curry and Ziyu (Cathy) Zhao. Recognizing and realizing inductively pierced codes (with two Colby students). Published in the Journal of Computational Geometry.
- April, 2023: Congratulations to Thor Gabrielsen ’26 who placed in the top 12% on the Putnam Exam. Read about the achievement here!
- February, 2023: Ayomikun Adeniran and collaborator have published their paper “Pattern Avoidance in Parking Functions” in Enumerative Combinatorics and Applications.
- February, 2023: Lorelei Koss and collaborator’s paper “Single and double toral band Fatou components in meromorphic dynamics” was published in Conformal Geometry and Dynamics.
- February 13, 2023: Scott Taylor‘s paper “Equivariant Heegaard genus of reducible 3-manifolds” was published in Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.
- January 25, 2023: Scott Taylor and Qidong He ’21 published their paper “Links Bridge Number and Width Trees” in Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan.
- January 6, 2023: Scott Taylor spoke on his work at Sum Camp at the Joint Math Meetings. The camp also released a promotional video.
- November 19, 2022: Tamar Friedmann spoke on her joint work with Qidong He ’21 at the Discrete Math Workshop held at Smith College.
- October, 2022: Tamar Friedmann and Qidong He ’21 have posted a new research paper “Counting Conjugacy Classes of Elements of Finite Order in Exceptional Lie Groups” to the arXiv.
- October, 2022: Evan Randles had his paper “Local Limit Theorems of Complex Functions on Z^d” accepted for publication in the Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications.
- September, 2022: Christina Nunez wrote a news article for the Colby Magazine about work of Evan Randles and Huan Bui ’21 which won a national award for science journalism. Congrats to Christina, Evan, and Huan!
- July, 2022: Jan Holly‘s paper What Type of Apollonian Circle Packing Will Appear? won the prestigious Paul Halmos-Lester R Ford Award from the Mathematical Association of America for a paper of expository excellence published in the the American Mathematical Monthly.
- January, 2022: Tamar Friedmann and collaborator had their paper “A simplified presentation of Specht modules” published by the Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra.
- December, 2021: Nathaniel Ferguson ’21 and collaborator have had their paper “Generating sets for the Kauffman skein module of a family of Seifert fibered spaces” accepted by the New York Journal of Mathematics. This paper started as a JanPlan project.
- November, 2021: Scott Taylor and collaborator have had their paper “Tunnel number and bridge number of composite genus 2 spatial graphs” published by the Pacific Journal of Mathematics.
- September, 2021: Evan Randles and Huan Bui ’21 have had their paper A generalized polar-coordinate integration formula with applications to the study of convolution powers of complex-valued functions on ℤ^d accepted by the journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications
- June 2021: Scott Taylor and Maggy Tomova (U. Iowa) are Principal Investigators on the 3-year NSF Collaborative Research grant Connecting Spatial Graphs to Links and 3-manifolds.
- March 2021: Leo Livshits and collaborators had their paper “Algebraic degree in spatial matricial numerical ranges of linear operators” accepted by Proceedings of the AMS.
- March 2021: Tamar Friedmann and collaborator had their paper “Euler’s Reflection Formula, Infinite Product Formulas, and the Correspondence Principle of Quantum Mechanics” accepted by Journal of Mathematical Physics.
- March 2021: Evan Randles and Huan Bui ’21 have posted their new paper to the arXiv.
- March 2021: Jan Holly and David Krumm published “Morikawa’s Unsolved Problem” in The American Mathematical Monthly.
- February 16–17, 2021: Jan Holly, Seungjae (Jason) Lee ’20, and Chido Mpofu ’20 had a poster presentation, “Whole-Motion 3-D Modeling of Spatial Orientation”, at the Vestibular-Oriented Research Meeting 2021, an international meeting hosted remotely by Ohio State University.
- January, 2021: Fernando Gouveâ is now an associate editor of the Mathematical Intelligencer. He is also on the editorial board of the AMS History of Mathematics book series.
- January, 2021: Evan Randles gave a talk on his joint work with Huan Bui ’21 at the (virtual) Joint Mathematics Meetings.
- January, 2021: Qidong He ’21 presented a poster on his joint work with Tamar Friedmann at the (virtual) Joint Mathematics Meetings.
- January, 2021: Scott Taylor gave talks on bridge position and spatial graphs at the (virtual) Joint Mathematics Meetings.
- December 2020: Tamar Friedmann and collaborators had their paper “On a generalization of Lie(k): a CataLAnKe theorem” accepted by Advances in Mathematics.
- November 2020: Jan Holly had the paper “What type of Apollonian circle packing will appear?” accepted by The American Mathematical Monthly.
- October 24, 2020: The work of Jan Holly, Chido Mpofu ’20, and Jason Lee ’20 modeling the helicopter crash that killed Kobe Bryant has been feature in the Colby Magazine
- October 17, 2020: Nora Youngs is a plenary speaker at the Women in Mathematics in New England (WiMiN) conference at Smith College on Oct. 17!
- August, 2020: Nora Youngs and collaborator published “The Case for Algebraic Biology: from research to education” in Bulletin of Mathematical Biology.
- July, 2020: Scott Taylor and Colby students Claire Huang, Dan Medici, Nick Murphy, Muyuan Zhang published “Combinatorial Minimal Surfaces in Pseudomanifolds and Other Complexes” in the Tokyo Journal of Mathematics.
- July, 2020: Jan Holly and David Krumm’s paper, “Morikawa’s Unsolved Problem” has been accepted for publication in The American Mathematical Monthly.
- July, 2020: Scott Taylor was the math consultant for the play The Jeanne Dixon Effect by Joseph Rodata (available on Apple Podcasts).
- June 2020: Nora Youngs and collaborator published “Neural Ring Homomorphisms and Maps Between Neural Codes” in Topological Data Analysis. Proc. Abel Symposia.
- June, 2020: Scott Taylor spoke at the CKVK* online seminar on “Lower bounds on the tunnel number of composite theta-curves.”
- May, 2020: The results of this year’s international Mathematical Contest in Modeling are in. Colby entered four teams this year. We would especially like to congratulate the team of Huan Bui, Qidong He, and Matthew Welch, who earned the rank of Honorable Mention for their submission on MCM Problem D!
- March 18, 2020: Scott Taylor and collaborators published “Distortion and the bridge distance of knots” in Journal of Topology.
- February, 2020: Mathematical Sciences major Chido Mpofu ’20 was featured in Colby magazine article on her plans to use her dual-degree engineering education to contribute to biomedical science in Zimbabwe.
- February, 2020: Mathematics major Qidong He ’21 placed in the top 10% on the famously difficult Putnam mathematics competition.
- January, 2020: Evan Randles and collaborator published “Davies’ Method for Heat-Kernel Estimates: An Extension to the Semi-Elliptic Setting” in Transactions of the American Mathematical Society.
- November, 2019: Jan Holly, Helen S. Cohen, and M. Arjumand Masood ’13 published “Assessing Misperception of Rotation in Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo with Static and Dynamic Visual Images” in Journal of Vestibular Research.
- September, 2019: Scott Taylor received the Waterville Board of Education’s Community Award for work supporting mathematics in the Waterville Public Schools, including organizing and directing Sum Camp in July, 2019.