John Alden Clark Memorial Prizes
The John Alden Clark Memorial Prize is annually awarded to the Colby student whose contest essay excels in philosophical substance, creativity, and originality.
Tamsin Rogers, “On Beautiful People & How to Find Them”
Adam Zucatti, “Understanding Humor and the Epistemology of Humorous Interactions”
Daniel Ellison, “Prometheia and epimetheia in the Protagoras”
Harry Kolb, “Indian Buddhism is not Buddhism”
Matt Menzi, “The Basis of Comedy”
Mansi Hitesh for The “Networked” Colonizer and the “Constructed” Patriarch: Mapping Haslanger onto a Latourian Landscape
Liam Butchart for Knowing, Being, Skepticism, Certainty: Towards a Stronger Understanding of Reality and Philosophy
Erin Maidman for Indexicality in and of Fictional Worlds
Gillian Morris for Existential Approaches to Diseases and Opioid Addiction
Chris Scammel for Where English Fails: Jealousy in Spinoza’s Ethics
Griffen Allen for Does the Noumenal Person Suffer?
Rose Nelson for Addicted to Irony: Infinite, Jest, Kierkegaard, and Irony
Shelby O’Neill for Privilege, Bad Faith, and the Question of Action
Uzoma Orchingwa for In the Name of Profit
Kelsey Park for That’s Hilarious! Or not. The Implications of Self-deprecating Humor on Well-Being
Katrina Belle for Is Romantic Love a Delusion?
Alexander A. Barron for Wittgenstein and Formalism
Alexander L. Forsythe for Bergson, Art, and the Spectrum of Analysis and Intellectual Sympathy
Caitlin Vance for How Can Works of Fiction Have Meaning?
Sei Harris for Tractatus 3.1432
Kris Miranda for Ethics of the Badass and the Beautiful
Will Price for Das-sein in Love: Embodiment and Being-With
Andrew Jurschak Literature in Africa: Revelation and Instigation
Claudine Davidshofer for Marxism and Morality: Dissolving the Paradox
Eric Richmond for Why We Are Not Obligated to Maintain Open Borders
Chris Surprenant for Kant’s Postulate of the Immortality of the Soul
Phil Scuderi for Aeschylus, Marx, and Ancient Greece: A Theoretical and Literary Critique
Chris Surprenant, A Reconciliation of Kant’s Views on Revolution2003 – Pete Osborn for Time In, Time Out, or Both: God Settles into a Relationship with Time.
Briana Wright for The Balancing Act: A Response to Frankfurt’s “Freedom of the Will and the Concept of a Person”
Jason Beal for The Unnecessary Continuous Condition of Courage2001 – Milan Babik for Political Economy and the Genre of the Novel: The Dehumanizing and the Humanizing Face of The Zeitgeist
Corie Washow for A Heideggerian Approach to the End of Life
Markus Johnson for Being Choosy
Brad Reichek for The Wanderer’s Prayer
Katie Quackenbush for The Missing Dialogue: Finding The Philosopher
Nima Karamouz for God’s Complex
John Costenbader for Uroboric Depth in Sextus Empiricus’s Practical Criterion Caleb Mason For Holistic Belief and Aristotelian Akrasia
Sarah Pohl for The Metaphysics of Peanuts
Joseph Terry for Nonsense is Useful (Or is that Nonsense?)
Caleb Mason for The Man Who Mistook His God For A (Very Large) Hat
Andrew Williams for Biosphere II: Contemporary Scientific Consciousness and the Replication of Nature
Alan Yuodsnukis for Diverse Encounters…
Richard Main for Kripke on rigid designation.
Stephen Nason for In Which Po Meets Master Pooh and They Discuss the Nature of Man
David Fearon for A Kingdom of Ends: A Tragedy in Kantian Morality
Hans Fajerson for On Imagination as a Higher Faculty
Jennifer Armstrong for On a Definition of Violence
David Larkin for Letter from Prison
Brad Livermore for The Platonic Dialectic: An Unscientific Analysis
Eugene Bernet for The Evolution of Conditioned Genesis
Diana Fuss for A Re-evaluation of the Gospels as Literature: Essays on Biblical Criticism, GospelGenre, and The Gospel of Mark
Jim Lowe for The Theory of the Soul in Plato’s Phaedrus
Nicholas Mencher for Social Interaction and Epictetus’ Apatheia
David M. Rice for Causation and Freedom of the Will
Thomas Hearne for Self-Defense in Theory and Practice
Leon Bradbury for Quine and the Indeterminacy of Translation
Daniel H. Cohen for The Divided Line: A Mathematical Look at Socrates’ Levels of Cognition