Research Team
Allecia Reid
Lab Director, William and Margaret Montgoris Assistant Professor of Psychology

I took a social psychology course as an undergraduate where the professor helped me to see connections between basic social psychological research and why we may do things that are bad for our health. Since then, I have been drawn to the question– how can we use psychological principles to help people to take better care of their health? After receiving my B.A. in psychology from the University of Connecticut, I completed my M.A. and Ph.D. in social psychology at Arizona State University. At ASU, I also picked up a love for data analysis! I then completed postdoctoral research positions in Yale’s Center for Interdisciplinary Research on AIDS and Brown’s Center for Alcohol and Addictions Studies before coming to Colby. I regularly teach Health Psychology (PS 241) and a seminar on Social Psychology and Health (PS 356/357).
Current Research Assistants
Aliza Anderson, ’21
Holly Gottsegen,’20
Alessandra Grossman,’19
SJ Sahagun,’20
Olivia Selemon, ’19
Chiara Tice, ’18
Lab Alumni
Ali Belzer ’17
Michelle Boucher ’17
Anna Herling ’16
Molly Hodgkins ’15: Currently completing a MSW at Univ. of Maine
Ariel Martin ’14
Caroline Minott ’15: Currently completing a BSN at Univ. of Southern Maine
Frances Onyliagha ’14: Currently completing a BSN at Duke Univ.
Kate Riley ’16: Currently a clinical research coordinator at Boston Children’s
Carly Taylor ’15: Currently completing a MD at Tufts University