Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What are the dates for CAPS in summer 2024?
A. Arrival on Campus June 23, 2024. Departure from Campus July 27 2024.
Q. Do I have to complete a separate application for CAPS?
A. No, all students admitted to Colby are considered.
Q. When will I know if I’ve been selected for CAPS?
A. Students are notified on a rolling basis starting in April of each year.
Q. Who selects students for CAPS?
A. The CAPS faculty directors and admissions representatives take part in the selection process.
Q. What is the cost for me to participate in the CAPS program?
A. There is no cost for students to participate in the CAPS program. CAPS students receive a stipend of $2,500 plus room and board for the five-week program; all travel and off-campus activity expenses are also paid.
Q. Where will I live and eat for the summer?
A. Students stay in campus dormitories with access to the dining hall for summer meals.
Q. Will I receive academic credit for the program?
A. Students will earn one graded academic credit hour for their work to apply to the 128 credit hours needed to graduate. The program is academically demanding with nightly homework, two exams and a final presentation.
Q. Who should I contact if I have questions?
A. Please contact Sasha Alcott, CAPS Coordinator at [email protected] with any questions you may have!