There are many options available with the Moodle Quiz activity.  Many of these are set up to be used with automatically graded quizzes (such as multiple choice or fill-in-the-blanks). These can be ignored for a simple file upload quiz using the Essay type question.

Part 1: Create a Quiz and set the Timing. 

  1. Add a Quiz activity to your Moodle Course site.

2. Name your Quiz and then set the open, close, and time limit for the Quiz in the Timing section.

3. Click “Save and display”

More resources for creating Moodle Quizzes

Part 2: Add an Essay Question to a Quiz

  1. Click “Edit Quiz” (top right, under the cogwheel icon)
  2. Click on the “Add” button on the right-hand side of the page
  3. Select “New Question”
  4. Choose the “Essay” question type and add it to the quiz

Part 3: Choose Essay Question settings and upload a take-home quiz file for students to download

Question Name: Add a descriptive name for the question.  Only you will see this (students do not see)
Question Text: Here is where you can add the quiz questions.  You can either enter the instructions in text format or upload a file with some instructions. To upload a file:

  1. Click on the link icon
  2. Click “Browse repositories”
  3. Click “Choose file” and then select your file
  4. Click “Upload this file”

The file is now linked, you should see a URL in the Question Text Box

Response Format: if you only want students to upload a file, change this to “No online text”
Allow attachments: Select the appropriate amount.  Usually, this will be one.
Require attachments: Select the appropriate amount.  Usually, this will be one.
Note: You can leave the rest of the settings as default and save the changes.

If your class is not used to taking online quizzes of this type, it may be advisable to create a copy of the quiz with dummy questions so that students can practice the process of submitting the response to the quiz. 

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