Colby College is dedicated to assisting you during these unusual times.  ITS realizes that transitioning from an in-person, on-campus learning environment to one of remote, online learning can be challenging.  ITS has put together some resources to assist you with the technology aspects of remote learning.


Computer Hardware Availability:

ITS has teamed up with the Dean of Students office to offer laptop computers to students that don’t have their own portable computers.  If you would like to request one of these computers, please reach out to Steve Moran ([email protected]) for more information.

Internet Access:

One of the benefits of living and learning on campus is access to high-speed internet.  ITS realizes that not everyone has that luxury at home.  We have put together some resources related to options to look out for and options from internet providers.

Access to Licensed Software:

ITS is working to provide access to paid/licensed software for students while not on campus.  For more information on specific software titles, please click the links below:

Faculty Remote Learning Information:

Faculty are also in uncharted territory with remote learning.  To learn more about the information they are being provided click here:

ITS recommends that you contact your faculty members to inquire about the tools (Moodle, Google Meet, Zoom, etc) they are going to leverage for their remote learning process and then test those technologies ahead of time to make sure you can utilize them with your setup.