Moodle is Colby’s learning management system (LMS). A Moodle course site is created automatically for each course taught at the College. Instructors can make any of their course sites available to students in that course. Student enrollment for each course site is managed automatically.

Accessing Moodle

To access Moodle, use the login button below and authenticate with your Colby username and password.

Log in


Want to learn more about Moodle?

Watch “Learning Moodle 3.11” on LinkedIn Learning (Chapters 4, 5, and 6 are especially helpful)
Visit for Version 3.11 Documentation


–Moodle Activities and Resources

–Course site visibility

–Accessing content from previous courses

–How to “Turn editing on”

–Manually enroll users

–Adding extra time to a quiz

–Copyright questions? Visit the Library help page

–Discussion forums


–Google Assignments in Moodle

–Quizzes in Moodle

–Time take-home quiz

–Import Questions to the Moodle Question Bank

–Record audio and video in Moodle

–Getting started with Moodle Gradebook

–Uploading multiple feedback files (when grading)