Faculty have a few options for recording or streaming class meetings. 

Classrooms Equipped with Integrated Classroom Capture Technology

Some classrooms on campus are equipped with integrated equipment for either recording or live streaming. These classrooms are:

  • Diamond 146
  • Miller 008
  • Miller 205
  • Keyes 105

If classroom capture is a key component of the course, this need should be brought up with the registrar when requesting a room assignment.  To activate the recording feature, please use the contact form listed at the end of this page.

Classrooms with Kaltura/Zoom Rolling Carts

About 25 computer carts are placed into specific classrooms across campus. These carts provide the ability to:

  • Schedule recurring recordings and/or live stream through Kaltura
  • Perform an on-the-fly recording through Kaltura
  • Use Zoom for web conferencing and recording

These computers are allocated based on needs at the beginning of each semester. To request one in your classroom, please schedule a consultation with our team.

Standard Classrooms

Most classrooms at Colby will require that you bring your own technology if you wish to record your class.  Select the desired outcome below to see what technology would be most helpful for your needs.


Basic Video Recording

Basic Video Recording

Miller Library offers camcorders and tripods which can be checked out with or without a reservation.  In this solution, the camcorder would be placed in the classroom, ideally as close to the instructor as possible (to aid in sound quality).  It can be positioned so that either the instructor, the whiteboard, the projector, students, or any combination is showing.  The camcorder has the option to be either static (a fixed position) or someone can pan and zoom the camcorder as needed.  The recording will be stored on the camera’s memory card, which can then be uploaded using the process below.

Live Streaming

Live Streaming

Colby utilizes Zoom for web video conferencing. This software will be used on the instructor’s laptop, and offers the ability to instantaneously transmit classroom content to a student or students.  It can deliver sound that the computer (or external microphone) hears, along with either the computer screen or webcam.  As an added feature, Zoom has the ability to record any session.  For more information, see https://www.colby.edu/acits/zoom/

Computer Recording

Computer Recording

Sometimes, the instructor relies primarily on using slides from a computer (as opposed to using the whiteboard).  In this case, recording the computer screen may be a better solution.  While there are many software options for screen recording, Zoom is an easy-to-use option that is available to any member of the Colby community.  Zoom’s primary function is for web video conferencing, but it still serves well for screen capture.  It will work with external USB microphones if better sound recording is needed.  For more information on Zoom, including how to enable a local recording, see https://www.colby.edu/acits/zoom/.

Delivering the Recording

All of the technologies listed in this article will generate a standard video file (usually mp4).  These can be hosted on the following services:

  • Kaltura: Generally this is a good starting point for hosting recordings. This is Colby’s online video platform, and gives users the ability to record and upload media, perform simple edits, and distribute to a Moodle course, individuals, or with a direct link. To start using Kaltura, log in to the Colby Video Portal.
  • Google Drive: Drive offers an ability to group videos into folders, share content with specific users, and creates a navigable archive of downloadable content.  Videos can be embedded (into WordPress, Moodle, etc.) using the instructions on this page.  Videos or folders can also be shared directly with users.
  • YouTube: YouTube offers a free, nearly endless place in which videos can be hosted.  This is the preferred platform if videos are intended for a wide audience, due to its size and ability to be searched.  Videos can be shared publicly or only to those with the link.  However, YouTube is increasingly displaying more advertisements, sometimes in the middle of a video.
  • Vimeo and other hosting platforms: Sites like Vimeo provide an experience similar to YouTube, but offer a more polished, ad-free experience. These sites sometimes offer a free tier with paid options depending on the amount of published content.  Occasionally a department will have its own Vimeo account.

Additional Support

Academic ITS can provide training and support for the lecture capture solutions on this page.  For assistance in determining your needs, or for help learning a specific technology, please schedule a consultation with a member of our team.