Class Presentation and Report Materials

Class picture

This fall the students in the Problems in Environmental Science class conducted a watershed analysis of Pattee Pond in Winslow, Maine.

The Powerpoint slides used in the class presentation given at Colby College on the evening of December 4, 2008 can be viewed by clicking on the links below. The Powerpoint presentation is divided into two sections.

The students from left to right starting at back row are: Drew Hill, Adam Boe, Rob Dillon, Sarah Stevens, Andrew Young, Emma Balazs, Michael Ambrogi, Nick Nassikas, Becky Lipson, Kelly McKone, Cassie Ornell, Russell Cole. Front Row: Megan Schaffer, Tracey Greenwood, Rachel Freierman, Lindsay Dreiss, Jennifer Burke, Emily Stimpson, Hanna Converse, Leah Gourlie, Michelle Presby.

In the links below you will find the Powerpoint presentation given by the students in December 2008 as well as the summary and recommendations. When the full report is complete and ready for printing a PDF version will be available here.



Pattee Pond Information     Data Downloads  
Class presentation part 1
Class presentation part 2 A PDF version of the report can be downloaded below:

Project Summary and Recommendations

PDF Version not available yet