- Limit the amount of impervious surfaces to meet or exceed MDEP guidelines.
- Repair driveways to limit runoff into the lake.
- Increase shore coverage of native forbs, shrubs, and trees.
- Increase the horizontal buffer depth to MDEP regulations where possible.
- Implement riprap where needed to prevent the shore from eroding.
- Limit the cutting of vegetation within the buffer zone.
Keep necessary paths narrow and winding to limit runoff of nutrients and other contaminants.
Low-phosphorus fertilizers are available for purchase at stores near Togus Pond. The lake association should provide information about safer pesticide use and organic gardening techniques for the residents of the Togus Pond watershed in order to improve overall lake water quality. Publications, such as fact sheets or brochures, could be distributed to households and commercial land-owners. Informed decisions would lead to a reduction in the amount of nutrients that enter the lake. The lake association could sponsor a fertilizer poster that would rate the phosphorus content of different brands of fertilizers, highlighting the use of phosphorus-free fertilizers. Workshops could be held in organic gardening and lawn care to minimize pesticide use.
Low-phosphorus detergents are available and can cut phosphorus input of septic systems by as much as 50%. The residents of Togus Pond should be informed about consumer choices in detergents. The lake association could provide brochures or fact sheets could be distributed about various detergents that are better for lake quality and for input into septic systems. Label reading practices could be highlighted by the lake association, since producers of detergents list how much phosphorus and other nutrients they contain.
We suggest that the pond association work with MDEP to consider methods to reduce phosphorus release from the sediments of the pond. An alum treatment may be the most effective means, but consideration should be given to the other methods mentioned in the executive summary.
� There are many sources of possible funding for the restoration of Togus Pond.
� The Maine Department of Environmental Protection is a good source for information on a variety of grants and loans. This information can be accessed at their website: http://www.maine.gov/dep/blwq/grants.htm
- Some of the information includes: Nonpoint Source Water Pollution Control Grants, the Small Community Grant Program and other non-DEP affiliated programs, such as Nutrient Management Loans and Environmental Protection Agency programs.
� The Maine Department of Transportation runs the Surface Water Quality Protection Program (SWQPP). It is a cooperative effort between local, state, and federal organizations to reduce the effect of polluted storm water runoff from state highways and other MDOT transportation facilities.
Contact: Zach Henderson , SWQPP Coordinator
Environmental Office
(207) 624-3080