Colby College Corporate – J.P. Morgan Cards
The College has an agreement with J.P. Morgan Chase to provide credit cards to faculty and staff who regularly make purchases or travel on behalf of the College. To apply for a Colby College Corporate credit card, please complete the All Card Policies and Procedure form linked below, then email it to [email protected].
Corporate purchasing or travel cards
Corporate cards are either “Purchasing” cards or “Travel” cards.
Travel cards are used for Colby travelers who incur frequent, reimbursable travel/entertainment expenses while on official College business. Travelers issued a Colby Travel Visa should use it for airfare, hotels, restaurants, rental cars, or other travel/entertainment expenses. Travelers still have the option to use personal payment forms for travel/entertainment expenses other than a Colby Travel Visa card, which is not mandatory for Colby travel.
The Colby Travel Visa should not be used for personal expenses or the purchase of goods, services or other items not associated with Colby business travel. If the card is used for personal expenses, contact the Program Administrator at 207.859.4125 to arrange for reimbursement of these expenses. This misuse of the card can also result in the loss of card privileges or termination from the College.
Purchasing cards are used by Colby faculty and staff that purchase goods/entertainment on behalf of the College for College use. Typical users are administrative assistants, executive assistants, and other purchasing agents of the College.
Monthly Card Reconciliation
All Colby Corporate Visa card holders (Purchasing or Travel) will be required to reconcile all expenses before month’s end. Instructions and training for reconciliation will be conducted by the Program Administrator. Failure to comply in the given time frame will result in expenses seen as taxable income to the traveler, or termination of the corporate card.
Individuals/Departments wishing to sign up for a Colby Corporate Visa of either kind should contact the Program Administrator at x4125.
The College and J.P. Morgan have the right to cancel any corporate card in accordance with the delinquency provisions of the contract or other credit card abuses. Employees must immediately return the corporate card to the College’s program administrator upon notice of cancellation.
Faculty and staff who are issued a corporate card are required to promptly notify and return the card to the Program Administrator or a Human Resource officer of the College upon termination of employment or if it is deemed that the card is no longer needed.