Preparing students to become the next generation of science leaders and innovators
About Maine INBRE
The Maine INBRE is a collaborative network (that is part of the nationwide IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence) led by theMDI Biological Laboratory. Its mission is to provide biomedical research training to undergraduates, provide research support to young faculty, and improve research infrastructure. Members include The Jackson Laboratory, Colby College, Bates College, Bowdoin College, College of the Atlantic, and the University of Maine system.
INBRE Opportunities
Short Course: Colby Jan Plan (BI371 Applied Biomedical Genomics)
Spend one week at MDI Biological Laboratory.
Work with scientists on biomedical research project.
Research questions and projects based on functional genomics.
Intensive, full-time summer research.
Competitive application process; two guaranteed positions for Colby students.
Students select a mentor from network institutions (including Colby).
Research Funding:
Many Colby faculty in the biomedical sciences receive funding in support of their ongoing research with students.
Check here for updated announcements regarding network workshops, grant announcements, speakers, graduate opportunities, research technician positions, and more.
Additional Information
Visit Maine INBRE’s site and learn more about the network here.