About the Office
Margaret McFadden, Provost and Dean of Faculty

The provost and dean of the faculty is the chief academic officer of the college, and is responsible for strategic planning to ensure the strength and vibrancy of the academic program and to provide the resources necessary to support faculty and staff in their teaching, scholarship and service.
Working with a team of associate provosts and other administrative staff, the provost oversees the work of Colby’s 36 academic departments and programs, the libraries, the Registrar’s Office, the Institutional Research Office, the Arts Office, the Center for Teaching and Learning, the Center for Arts and Humanities, the Oak Institute for Human Rights, The Goldfarb Center for Public Affairs, and the Farnham Writer’s Center, as well as numerous external academic partnerships.
The Office of the Provost and Dean of Faculty supports the teaching, scholarship, and professional development of the faculty. For information on whom to contact for assistance, please click on the Faculty Support tab.