Colby Writing Program
The Colby Writing Program supports faculty teaching around writing, reading, and research in their disciplines and faculty’s own writing and scholarly work. We offer courses and programs to ensure that Colby students can write effectively in multiple genres; choose the right style, medium, and evidence for the situation; and participate successfully in professional environments after college. We support an inclusive, rigorous, and research-backed view of writing not as a simple “skill” but rather as a complex practice that is both a way of learning and a means of communication.
Connect with the Colby Writing Program to ask about
- Designing effect writing and research assignments
- Responding to and grading student writing
- How to include writing in larger courses
- Supporting multilingual and international students for writing and reading
- First-year writing courses (W1s)
- Upper-level writing-intensive courses (W2s and W3s)
- The Farnham Writers’ Center – peer-to-peer tutoring
- Getting a Writing Fellow, a trained peer writing tutor for your course
- Faculty writing pedagogy lunches and workshops
- Faculty/staff writing retreats
- Whole-department/program grants to infuse writing into your majors