Celebration of Teaching Week – February 20-24, 2023
Overview of the Celebration of Teaching Week
- Starting December 2022: “hosts” will be able to list their classes to welcome “guests.” We are now accepting hosts! Hosts and guests will receive a voucher to Mary Low Coffeehouse for a follow-up conversation.
- Late-January 2023: “guests” will be able to sign up for the “hosts’” classes
- February 20-24: Celebration of Teaching Week! Drop in to any CTL open house session for snacks, prizes, and conversation.
- Monday, February 20: Open house at the CTL 4-5pm
- Tuesday, February 21: Open house at the CTL 4-5pm
- Wednesday, February 22: Open house at the CTL 4-5pm
- Thursday, February 23, 5-6:30pm: Virtual keynote. Sign up here to attend virtual keynote virtually, or at the Faculty Mumble with snacks and beverages
- Friday, February 24: Open house at the CTL 4-5pm
Keynote Speaker

Lindsay Masland, Ph.D.
Keynote Title: “Open Doors and Open Minds: Sharing our Authentic Selves through Teaching”
Keynote Description: In We Make the Road by Walking, Paulo Freire states that “What the educator does in teaching is to make it possible for the students to become themselves.” Those who are dedicated to the art and science of teaching are likely to resonate with this sentiment. And yet, where are we—the educators—in this idea? Don’t we deserve to “become ourselves” through teaching, too? In this talk, Lindsay Masland will invite attendees to connect the insights they’ve gained during the Celebration of Teaching Week with their deeply held pedagogical and personal values, providing a path to sharing our authentic selves through teaching.
Speaker Biography: Lindsay Masland is the Lead of Transformative Teaching and Learning at Appalachian State University, where she also serves as an Associate Professor of Psychology. Lindsay is a consulting editor for two journals that focus on the scholarship of teaching and learning, she directs a national teaching conference, and she is the recipient of national and institutional teaching awards. Lindsay holds a BA and MA in experimental psychology from Wake Forest University and a Ph.D. in educational psychology with a concentration in statistics from the University of Georgia. Her teaching and research interests lie at the intersection of student engagement, effective teaching practices, and inclusive excellence, and her focus is empowering faculty to make pedagogical choices that lead to transformational educational experiences for all.
What is the Celebration of Teaching?
Do you ever wish that you had an opportunity to sit in on your colleagues’ classes? Would you like to see what techniques other faculty use to run discussions and engage students? Are you curious about how classes in other disciplines differ from your own? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then the CTL has an opportunity for you: the second annual “Celebration of Teaching” Week!
This teaching “open doors” week (February 20-24, 2023) will give you the chance to see what happens in Colby classrooms across campus. Sign up to be a “host,” and welcome faculty and staff visitors into your classroom. Sign up to be a “guest” as well, and see firsthand how your colleagues foster learning. Hosts and guests will receive a voucher to Mary Low Coffeehouse to engage in a follow-up conversation about the experience. Also join us for prizes and conversation in the CTL during an open house each day of the week, or on Thursday, February 23, 5-6:30pm, for a celebratory virtual keynote. A viewing of this keynote will occur at the Faculty Mumble, or participate from a location of your choice.