Course Authorization Instructions
Note: Colby does not have automated waiting lists, but instructors can control who gets into a course by issuing a “Course Authorization” and notifying the student. The authorized student then uses Course Selection or (later) Add-Drop to add the course to their own schedule.
If you’re not already on the Course Authorization page:
- Go to myColby Academics
- If you haven’t already authenticated, click Login (upper right) and enter your Colby user name and password
- Click Course Authorization in the left column
From the Course Authorization page:
- Choose the appropriate term (FA 2017, for example) to display course(s)
- Note whether the course is full (#Reg >= Max Reg)
- Click on the Rules to see if an authorization is required (often because the course was pruned and waitlisting is assumed) and to review any prerequisites or priorities
- Click on the number of the Course (XX123, for example)
- Enter the student’s Username, if you know it (jstudent or jstdnt20, for example) and click Lookup.
Otherwise, choose the appropriate Begins with for the student in the By Last Name box, click Lookup, then find the student using “Please select a student from this list” in the box below (under Authorization for XX123) - Select all the types of authorizations that apply by checking boxes 1, 2, and/or 3:
- Box 1 (override Requisites): Check this if the course Rules specify that authorization is required (for a waiting list, for example) and/or the student hasn’t met a course or other prerequisite that you’re willing to waive.
- Box 2 (override Max Reg): If the course is full and you want to over-enroll, check this. Do not check this box if you only want a student to be able to add if a seat opens up (Reg drops below Max)–for that, check Box 1 only.
- Box 3 (allow Schedule Conflict) is used, very rarely, to allow a conflict with another course and should only be checked if the other instructor is also OK with the arrangement.
- Click Add Authorization(s)
- Notify the student that you’ve added the authorization
- To issue an authorization for a different course, click on return to list of courses at the top
Please note, you can view authorizations already issued by clicking on the Current Auths tab at the top. There’s an option to Delete authorizations if, for instance, you told the student they would need to add by a certain date/time.
Questions or problems, contact [email protected]