Debra Campbell
Professor of Religious Studies, Emerita
4642 Mayflower Hill Waterville, Maine 04901-8853
Mount Holyoke College, B.A. in Religion, 1975
Boston University, Ph.D. in American Church History, 1982
Areas of Expertise
Women in American religion
Religion and World War II
Catholic women in America
- Modern Catholicism
“Catholic Women 1900-1965” [8750 word essay] for the Encyclopedia of Women and Religion in North America, ed. Rosemary Skinner Keller and Rosemary Radford Ruether . Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2003.
[With support from the Lilly Endowment Inc. and the Henry Luce Foundation, Inc.]
“Mary Daly” (750 word entry) for Encyclopedia of American Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender History and Culture, ed. Marc Stein. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sins, 2003.
“Mary Jo Weaver” (600 word entry) for Encyclopedia of American Catholic Women, ed. Michael Glazier to be published by University of Notre Dame Press.
Graceful Exits: Catholic Women and the Art of Departure. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, (available October, 2003). This book explores the complicated relations of catholic women to their church.
“The Chapel and the Fellowship: Two Approaches to Communal Worship on the College Campus,” Religious Education 53 (Jan – Feb 1978): 80-89.
“A Catholic Salvation Army: David Goldstein, Pioneer Lay Evangelist,” Church History 52 (September, 1983): 322-32.
“‘I Can’t Imagine Our Lady on an Outdoor Platform’: Women in the Catholic Street Propaganda Movement,” U.S. Catholic Historian 3 (spring/summer, 1983): 103-14.
“The Catholic Earth Mother: Dorothy Day and Women’s Power in the Church,” Cross Currents 34 (fall, 1984): 270-82.
“Indulgences and Indemnity in the Life of the Believer: A Modern Catholic Perspective,” in Restoring the Kingdom, ed. Deane William Ferm (New York: Paragon, 1984): 165-74.
“Catholic Lay Evangelization in the 1930s: Four Models,” Records of the American Catholic Historical Society 95 (March-December, 1984): 5-14.
“David Goldstein and the Rise of the Catholic Campaigners for Christ,” The Catholic Historical Review 72 (January, 1986): 33-50.
“Dorothy Day and the Imperative to Dissent: A Review Essay” The Cresset (May, 1986): 14-17.
“Lost Innovation,” Commonweal 113 (6 June 1986): 334-5.
“Part-Time Female Evangelists of the Thirties and Forties: The Rosary College Catholic Evidence Guild,” U. S. Catholic Historian 5 (summer/fall 1986):371-84.
“Semi-Anonymous Christians: The Catholic Evidence Guild,” American Catholic Studies Newsletter 13 (fall 1986): 13-16.
Participant in “Review Symposium on Jay P. Dolan, The American Catholic Experience (New York: Doubleday, 1985)” in Records of the American Catholic Historical Society 97 (March-December, 1986): 57-68.
“The Rise of the Lay Catholic Evangelist in England and America,” Harvard Theological Review 79 (1986): 413-37.
“Gleanings of a Laywoman’s Ministry: Maisie Ward as Preacher, Publisher and Social Activist,” The Month 258 (August-September 1987): 313-17.
“Gleanings of a Laywoman’s Ministry,” reprinted in the Records of the American Catholic Historical Society 98 (March-December 1987): 21-28.
“Catholicism from Independence to World War I,” in Encyclopedia of the American Religious Experience: Studies of Traditions and Movements, 3 vols. (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1988), I: 357-73.
“Dorothy Dohen: Reclaiming Virginity,” The Christian Century 105 (20-27 July 1988): 667-670.
“The Baptists and the Foundation of Colby College,” Colby (summer-fall, 1988): 14-16.
[Revised and updated version] of “The Catholic Earth Mother: Dorothy Day and Women’s Power in the Church,” in Unspoken Worlds: Women’s Religious Lives, 2nd ed., eds. Rita Gross and Nancy Falk. (Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1989), pp. 25-34.
“Reformers and Activists,” in American Catholic Women: A Historical Exploration, ed. Karen Kennelly, C. S. J. (New York: Macmillan, 1989), pp. 152-181.
“The Nunk Controversy: A Symbolic Moment in the Search for a Lay Spirituality,” U.S. Catholic Historian 8 (winter/spring 1989): 81-90.
“The Catholic Evidence Guild: Towards a History of the Laity,” The Heythrop Journal 30 (July, 1989): 306-24.
“The Struggle to Serve,” in Dolan, Appleby, Byrne and Campbell, Transforming Parish Ministry (New York: Crossroad/Continuum, 1989), pp. 201-80.
“The Theology of the Mother-hearted God: Hannah Whitall Smith (1832-1911),” Signs, 15 (Autumn 1989): 79-101.
“Breaking the Laity’s Silence,” Liturgy 8 (fall 1989): 59-66.
“The Problem of the Nunk: Missing Link?” The Priest 46 (January 1990): 37-43.
“The Grail,” “Cursillo,” “Campaign for Human Development,” “Bishops’ Program for Social Reconstruction,” and “Catholic Lay Movement,” The Dictionary of Christianity in America (Downer’s Grove: Intervarsity Press, 1990).
“Flannery O’Connor Is Not John Updike,” (Review Essay) American Quarterly 43 (June 1991): 333-40.
“Both Sides Now: Another Look at the Grail in the Postwar Era,” U. S. Catholic Historian 11 (Fall 1993): 13-28.
Participant in Three-Author Review Symposium on Rodger Van Allen’s Being Catholic: Commonweal from the Seventies to the Nineties in Horizons 21 (Spring 1994): 148-51.
[In collaboration with Douglas Archibald] Interpretive Wall Text for Junius Brutus Stearns’ Painting Hannah Duston Killing the Indians (1849) in the exhibition Connections: Celebrating the Opening of the Pugh Center. Text and image reprinted in Colby Museum of Art, Summer 1997.
American National Biography, ed. John A. Garraty and Mark C. Carnes, 24 vols. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1999): 9: 207-8.
“Be-ing Is Be/Leaving\” in Feminist Interpretations of Mary Daly, ed. Marilyn Frye and Sarah Lucia Hoagland (University Park, PA:The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2000): 164-193.
[Revised and Updated Version ] of “The Catholic Earth Mother: D Unspoken Worlds: Women’s Religious Lives, ed. Nancy A. Falk and Rita M. Gross, 3rd. edition (Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2001): 15-24.
“One of Ours?: Catholic Readings of Mary McCarthy’s Writings, 1942-63,” [Gender Issue of] U.S. Catholic Historian 20 (Winter 2002: 99-115.