Holly Zadra
Administrative Assistant II - Geology, Physics & Astronomy, Science, Technology & Society
Physics and Geology
- [email protected]
- Mudd 209
Office Hours
8am - 4:30pm (mostly)
Formal Education
- BA Engl Lit and Creative Writing | University of Montana | 1996
- MA Engl Lit and Creative Writing | Middlebury College, Bread Loaf School of English | 2006
- ERYT-500 Yoga Teacher
- May 2024 Katadhin Fellowship and Storyknife Writing Residency | Homer, AK
Current Writing Obsessions
- Two long form pieces: one fiction and one non that trace my Croatian lineage via Montana copper, labor, the US's largest Superfund complex, and Catholicism
- One sprawling, experimental piece about a chalkware Santa Rita reliquary discovered in Thorndike, ME, and forgiveness as a tool of empire