Philip Nyhus
Elizabeth and Lee Ainslie Professor of Environmental Studies
Environmental Studies
- (207) 859-5358
- [email protected]
- (207) 859-5369
- Diamond 202
5358 Mayflower Hill Waterville, Maine 04901-8853
Current Courses
CRS | Title | Sec |
ES212 | Introduction to GIS and Remote Sensing | A |
ES233 | Environmental Policy | A |
ES319 | Conservation Biology | A |
- Ph.D., Land Resources, Institute for Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin, 1999
- M.S., Land Resources, Institute for Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin, 1994
- B.A., Biology, St. Olaf College, 1989
Areas of Expertise
- Environmental policy
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
- Endangered species conservation, policy, and risk assessment
- Human-wildlife conflict, including tiger and large mammal conservation
Personal Information
Areas of Interest:
Dr. Philip Nyhus' interdisciplinary research bridges the natural and social sciences to address human interactions with the environment. He is particularly interested in the policy dimensions of human-wildlife conflict and endangered species conservation. His current research includes biodiversity risk assessment, GIS-based spatial models, large landscape conservation, and tiger and large mammal conservation in the United States and Asia.
Recent Professional Experience:
- 2015-present: Director, Environmental Studies Program, Colby College, Waterville, Maine
- 2010-present: Associate Professor, Environmental Studies Program, Colby College, Waterville, Maine
- 2004-2010: Assistant Professor, Environmental Studies Program, Colby College, Waterville, Maine
- 2002-2003: Co-Chair, Environmental Studies Program, Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
- 2001-2004: Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies, Department of Earth and Environment, Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
- 1999-2001: National Science Foundation Award for the Integration of Research and Education Postdoctoral Fellow in Environmental Science, Colby College, Waterville, Maine
Selected Publications
Edited Books
- Tilson, R. L., & Nyhus, P. J. (Eds.). (2010). Tigers of the World: The Biology, Politics, and Conservation of Panthera tigris (2nd ed.). San Diego: Academic Press/Elsevier.
- Osofsky, S. A. (Ed.), Cleaveland, S., Karesh, W. B., Kock, M. D., Nyhus, P. J., Starr, L., & Yang, A. (Assoc. Eds.). (2005). Conservation and Development Interventions at the Wildlife-Livestock Interface. Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK: IUCN.
Series Editor
- Biodiversity of the World: Conservation from Genes to Landscapes (Academic Press/Elsevier, P. Nyhus Series Editor)
- Marker, L., L. Boast, and A. Schmidt-Kuentzel. (Eds.). 2017. Cheetahs: Biology and Conservation. San Diego: Academic Press/Elsevier. Philip Nyhus (Series Editor)
- McCarthy, T., and D. Mallon. (Eds.). 2016. Snow Leopards. San Diego: Academic Press/Elsevier. Philip Nyhus (Series Editor)
Peer-Reviewed Research Articles
- de Silva, S., Wu, T*., Nyhus, P., Weaver, A.*, Thieme, A., Johnson, J.*, Wadey, J., Mossbrucker, A., Vu, T., Neang, T., Chen, B., Songer, M., Leimgruber, P. (2023). Land-use change is associated with multi-century loss of elephant ecosystems in Asia. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 5996. doi:10.1038/s41598-023-30650-8
- Cole, F. R., Junker, A.*, Bevier, C. R., Shannon, M., Sarkar, S.*, & Nyhus, P. J. 2017. Assessing LakeSmart, a community-based lake protection program. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences. DOI: 10.1007/s13412-017-0460-7
- Ravenelle, J.*, & Nyhus, P. J. 2017. Global patterns and trends in human-wildlife conflict compensation. Conservation Biology 31(6):1247–1256. DOI: 10.1111/cobi.12948
- Qin, Y.*, & Nyhus, P. J. 2017. Assessing factors influencing a possible South China tiger reintroduction: a survey of international conservation professionals. Environmental Conservation 1-9. DOI: 10.1017/S0376892917000182
- Nyhus, P. J. 2016. Human–Wildlife Conflict and Coexistence. Annual Review of Environment and Resources 41:143-171. doi:10.1146/annurev-environ-110615-085634
- Qin, Y.*, P. J. Nyhus, C. L. Larson*, C. J. W. Carroll*, J. Muntifering, T. D. Dahmer, L. Jun, and R. L. Tilson. 2015. An assessment of South China tiger reintroduction potential in Hupingshan and Houhe National Nature Reserves, China. Biological Conservation 182:72-86. [online]: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006320714004170]
- Lacy, R.C., Miller, P.S., Nyhus, P.J., Pollak, J.P., Raboy, B.E., & Zeigler, S.L. (2013). Metamodels for transdisciplinary analysis of wildlife population dynamics. PLoS ONE 8(12): e84211. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0084211.[online]: http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0084211,
- Driscoll, C. A., I. Chestin, H. Jungius, O. Pereladova, Y. Darman, E. Dinerstein, J. Seidensticker, J. Sanderson, S. Christie, S. J. Luo, M. Shrestha, Y. Zhuravlev, O. Uphyrkina, Y. V. Jhala, S. P. Yadav, D. G. Pikunov, N. Yamaguchi, D. E. Wildt, J. L. D. Smith, L. Marker, P. J. Nyhus, R. Tilson, D. W. Macdonald, and S. J. O’Brien. (2012). A postulate for tiger recovery: the case of the Caspian Tiger. Journal of Threatened Taxa, 4(6), 2637-2643 [online]: http://threatenedtaxa.org/ZooPrintJournal/2012/June/o299326vi122637-2643.pdf.
- Nyhus, P. J., Lacy, R. C., Westley, F. R., Miller, P. S., Vredenburg, H., Paquet, P. C., & J. Pollak. (2007). Tackling biocomplexity with meta-models for species risk assessment. Ecology and Society, 12(1), 31 [online]: www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol12/iss1/art31.
- Nyhus, P. J., & Tilson, R. (2004). Agroforestry, elephants, and tigers: Balancing conservation theory and practice in human-dominated landscapes of Southeast Asia. Agroforestry, Ecosystems, and the Environment, 104, 87-97.
- Nyhus, P. J., & Tilson, R. (2004). Characterizing tiger-human conflict in Sumatra, Indonesia: Implications for conservation. Oryx, 38(1), 68-74.
- Tilson, R., Defu, H., Muntifering, J., & Nyhus, P. J. (2004). Dramatic decline of wild South China tigers: Field survey of priority tiger reserves. Oryx, 38(1), 40-47.
- Nyhus, P. J., Fisher, H., Madden, F., & Osofsky, S. (2003). Taking the bite out of wildlife damage: The challenges of wildlife compensation schemes. Conservation in Practice, 4(2), 37-40.
- Nyhus, P. J., Sumianto, & Tilson, R. (2003). Wildlife knowledge among migrants in southern Sumatra, Indonesia: Implications for conservation. Environmental Conservation, 30(2), 192-199.
- Nyhus, P. J., Tilson, R. L., & Tomlinson, J. L. (2003). Dangerous animals in captivity: Ex situ tiger conflict and implication for private ownership of exotic animals. Zoo Biology, 22(6), 573 - 586.
- Nyhus, P. J., Westley, F. R., Lacey, R. C., & Miller, P. S. (2002). A role for natural resource social science in biodiversity risk assessment. Society and Natural Resources, 15(10), 923-932.
- Nyhus, P., Sumianto, & Tilson, R. (2000). Crop-raiding elephants and conservation implications at Way Kambas National Park, Sumatra, Indonesia. Oryx, 34(4), 262-275.
- Tilson, R., & Nyhus, P. (1998). Keeping problem tigers from becoming a problem species. Conservation Biology, 12(2), 261-262.
- Tilson, R., Siswomartono, D., Manansang, J., Brady, G., Armstrong, D., Traylor-Holzer, K., Byers, A., Christie, P., Salfifi, A., Tumbelaka, L., Christie, S., Richardson, D., Reddy, S., Franklin, N. & Nyhus, P. (1997). International co-operative efforts to save the Sumatran tiger Panthera tigris sumatrae. International Zoo Yearbook, 35, 129-138.
Book Chapters
- Nyhus, P.J. (2016). Preface. In T. McCarthy & D. Mallon (Eds.), Snow Leopards (pp. xxix-xxx). San Diego: Academic Press/Elsevier.[Series Editor, P.J. Nyhus]
- Nyhus, P. J., & Tilson, R. (2010). Panthera tigris vs Homo sapiens: Conflict, Coexistence, or Extinction. In R. L. Tilson & P. J. Nyhus (Eds.), Tigers of the World: The Biology, Politics, and Conservation of Panthera tigris (2nd ed.). San Diego: Academic Press/Elsevier.
- Nyhus, P. J., & Tilson, R. (2010). The Next Twenty Years of Tiger Science, Politics, and Conservation. In R. L. Tilson & P. J. Nyhus (Eds.), Tigers of the World: The Biology, Politics, and Conservation of Panthera tigris (2nd ed.,). San Diego: Academic Press/Elsevier.
- Nyhus, P. J., Tilson, R., & Hutchins, M. (2010). Thirteen thousand and counting: How growing captive tiger populations threaten wild tigers. In R. L. Tilson & P. J. Nyhus (Eds.), Tigers of the World: The Biology, Politics, and Conservation of Panthera tigris (2nd ed.,). San Diego: Academic Press/Elsevier.
- Muntifering, J. R., Nyhus, P. J., Tilson, R. L., & Soule, M. E. (2010). Tiger restoration and biodiversity refugia in Asia: 'Picking up' the pieces. In R. L. Tilson & P. J. Nyhus (Eds.), Tigers of the World: The Biology, Politics, and Conservation of Panthera tigris (2nd ed.,). San Diego: Academic Press/Elsevier.
- Tilson, R., Nyhus, P., Muntifering, J., & Dahmer, T. (2010). The Yin and Yang of Tiger Conservation in China. In R. L. Tilson & P. J. Nyhus (Eds.), Tigers of the World: The Biology, Politics, and Conservation of Panthera tigris (2nd ed.,). San Diego: Academic Press/Elsevier.
- Tilson, R. L., & Nyhus, P. J. (2010). Tribe of Tigers: Introduction. In R. L. Tilson & P. J. Nyhus (Eds.), Tigers of the World: The Biology, Politics, and Conservation of Panthera tigris (2nd ed.,). San Diego: Academic Press/Elsevier.
- Tilson, R. L., & Nyhus, P. J. (2010). The biology and politics of Sumatran tigers: Crash of the conservation Garuda. In R. L. Tilson & P. J. Nyhus (Eds.), Tigers of the World: The Biology, Politics, and Conservation of Panthera tigris (2nd ed.,). San Diego: Academic Press/Elsevier.
- Tilson, R., Nyhus, P., Sriyanto, & Rubianto, A. (2010). Poaching and Poisoning of Tigers in Sumatra for the Domestic Market. In R. L. Tilson & P. J. Nyhus (Eds.), Tigers of the World: The Biology, Politics, and Conservation of Panthera tigris (2nd ed.,). San Diego: Academic Press/Elsevier.
- Nyhus, P. J., Osofsky, S. A., Ferraro, P., Fischer, H., & Madden, F. (2005). Bearing the costs of human-wildlife conflict: The challenges of compensation schemes. In R. Woodroffe, S. Thirgood & A. Rabinowitz (Eds.), People and Wildlife: Conflict or Coexistence? (pp. 107-121). Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press.
- Nyhus, P. J., Williams, J., Borovansky, J., Byers, O., & Miller, P. (2003). Incorporating local knowledge into population and habitat viability assessments: Landowners and tree kangaroos in Papua New Guinea. In F. Westley & P. Miller (Eds.), Experiments in Consilience: Integrating Social and Scientific Responses to Save Endangered Species (pp. 161-184). Washington, D.C.: Island Press.
- Nyhus, P., Tilson, R., & Franklin, N. (2001). Social and Administrative Guidelines for Field Conservation in Indonesia: Experiences from the Field. In W. G. Conway, M. Hutchins, M. Souza, Y. Kapetanakos & E. Paul (Eds.), AZA Field Conservation Resource Guide (pp. 198-207). Atlanta: Zoo Atlanta.
- Tilson, R., Manansang, J., Brady, G., Armstrong, D., Traylor-Holzer, K., & Nyhus, P. (2001). Training, Transferring Technology, and Linking In Situ and Ex Situ Tiger Conservation in Indonesia. In W. G. Conway, M. Hutchins, M. Souza, Y. Kapetanakos & E. Paul (Eds.), AZA Field Conservation Resource Guide (pp. 245-255). Atlanta: Zoo Atlanta.
- Tilson, R., Nyhus, P., & Franklin, N. (2001). Tiger restoration in Asia: Ecological theory vs. sociological reality. In D. S. Maehr, R. F. Noss & J. L. Larkin (Eds.), Large Mammal Restoration: Ecological and Sociological Challenges in the 21st Century (pp. 277-291). Washington, D.C.: Island Press.
- Nyhus, P., Sumianto, & Tilson, R. (1999). The tiger human dimension in southeast Sumatra, Indonesia. In J. Seidensticker, S. Christie & P. Jackson (Eds.), Riding the Tiger: Tiger Conservation in Human-dominated Landscapes (pp. 144-145). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Other Professional Publications
- Shannon, M., Junker, A., Nyhus, P. J., Bevier, C., & Cole, F. R. (2017). The Evolution of a Model Volunteer Lake Protection Program. LakeLines (Winter 2017), 53-57.
- Nyhus, Philip J. (2014). Students as Catalysts for Large Landscape Conservation, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Working Paper WP14PN1. Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.
- Nyhus, P. J., & Tekancic, L. A. (2010). Quite a year and new life for Panthera tigris: The St. Petersburg Declaration and the future of wild tigers . Journal of the Wildcat Conservation Legal Aid Society, 4(winter), 1-18 [online]: http://www.wcclas.org/publications.html.
- Nyhus, P. J., & Tilson, R. (2010). Where the tiger Survives, biodiversity thrives. Kyoto Journal, 75, 86-87.
- Nyhus, P. J., Ambrogi, M.*, Dufraine, C.*, Shoemaker, A, & Tilson, R. (2009). The status and evolution of laws and policies regulating privately owned tigers in the United States. Journal of the WildCat Conservation Legal Aid Society 1 (Summer), 47-64.
- Nyhus, P. J., & Tilson, R. (2009). The Conservation Value of Tigers: Separating Science from Fiction. Journal of the WildCat Conservation Legal Aid Society 1 (Summer), 29-41.
- Nyhus, P. (2008). Panthera tigris sp. amoyensis (South China Tiger). In 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN. .
- Nyhus, P.J. and R. Tilson. (2008). Can private owners help save a species? Natural History Magazine Factotem blog
- Breitenmoser, U., Tilson, R., & Nyhus, P. (2006). Reintroduction of the Chinese Tiger. Cat News, 44, 15.
- Tilson, R., & Nyhus, P. (2005). Zoos, private ownership, and accreditation: The right thing to do. Communiqu, December, 34.
- Nyhus, P. J., & Tilson, R. (2003). The conservation value of privately-owned tigers. In E. Doherty & K. Girton (Eds.), AZA ANNUAL Conference Proceedings 2003 (pp. 55-59). Silver Spring, MD: American Zoo & Aquarium Association.
- Nyhus, P. J., Tilson, R., Franklin, N., Bastoni, Sriyanto, Yunus, M, & Sumianto. (2000). Tigers, cameras, and satellites: Interdisciplinary efforts to map the habitat and threats to the last Sumatran tigers. In Proceedings of the ESRI International User Conference 2000. San Diego: ESRI.
- Tilson, R., Nyhus, P., Jackson, P., Quigley, H., Hornocker, M., Ginsberg, J., Phemister, D., Sherman, N., & Seidensticker, J. (2000). Securing a Future for the World's Wild Tigers. Washington, D.C.: Save The Tiger Fund, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation http://si-pddr.si.edu/dspace/handle/10088/6653.
- Borovansky, J., Byers, O., Miller, P., Nyhus, P. J., & Williams, J. (1999). Facilitiating local participation in a conservation planning workshop. TRI News (Yale University), Spring 1999, 12-16.
- Nyhus, P., Sumianto, & Tilson, R. (1999). People, politics, and village-level conservation in Sumatra, Indonesia. In Proceedings of the 1999 AZA Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN. Bethesda, MD: AZA.
- Tilson, R., Nyhus, P., & Franklin, N. (1997). Steps in the forest: Efforts to protect the last Sumatran tigers. Minnesota Zoo Magazine, 13-14.
- Tilson, R., Franklin, N., Nyhus, P., Bastoni, Sriyanto, Siswomartono, D., & Manansang, J. (1996). In situ conservation of the Sumatran Tiger in Indonesia. International Zoo News, 43(5), 316-324.
- Nyhus, P., & Adams, M. (1995). Biosphere Reserves of the World: Principles and Practice. Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin and Institute for Environmental Studies (unpublished, used as class text in two courses at UW-Madison).
- Nyhus, P. (1994). Tenure and information constraints to conservation in upland farming systems in Java, Indonesia. In W. A. Hamel (Ed.), Proceedings of the Ecol-Environ-Management Group: The Association of Management 12th Annual International Conference, August 10-13, 1994. Dallas, TX: Association of management.
Pedagogy Publications (* designates student co-author)
- Nyhus, P. J., Cole, F. R., & Firmage, D. H. (2007). Tigers, wolves, and moose, Oh My: Challenges and opportunities for promoting undergraduate research in Environmental Studies with GIS. Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) Quarterly, 27(3), 97-102.
- Nyhus, P. J., Cole, F. R., Firmage, D. H., Tierney, D., Cole, S. W., Phillips, R. B., and Yeterian, E. H. (2007). Environmental Studies: Interdisciplinary research on Maine lakes. In D. Sinton & J. Lund (Eds.), Understanding Place: GIS and Mapping Across the Curriculum (pp. 187-198). Redlands, CA: ESRI Press.
- Nyhus, P. J., Cole, F. R., Firmage, D. H., & Yeterian, E. H. (2004). Teaching fellows: An innovative approach to facilitate the integration of research and education at Colby College. In L. Kauffman & J. Stocks (Eds.), Reinvigorating the Undergraduate Curriculum: Lessons from the Integration of Research and Education. http://www.cur.org/publications/aire_raire/toc.asp. Council of Undergraduate Research: Washington, D.C.
- Nyhus, P. J., Cole, F. R., Firmage, D. H., & Lehmann, P. S.* (2002). Enhancing education through research in the environmental science laboratory: Integrating GIS and project-based learning at Colby college. Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) Quarterly, (September), 34-40.
- Nyhus, P. J., Cole, F. R., Firmage, D. H., & Yeterian, E. H. (2002). Developing and implementing an interdisciplinary undergraduate research symposium at a small liberal arts college. Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) Quarterly, (September), 16-23.
- Burgess, A. D., Dehring, P., Nyhus, P., & Carlson, G. (1995). Biocore Style Manual. Madison, WI: Biology Core Curriculum, University of Wisconsin (unpublished).