Tina Beachy
Senior Lab Instructor in Biology
5700 Mayflower Hill Waterville, Maine 04901-8853
- B.A. Chemistry, Colby College, 1993
- M.A. Microbiology and Immunology, Hershey Medical Center, University of Pennsylvania, 1999
Areas of Expertise
- Molecular Biology
- R. D. Libby, A. L. Shedd, A.K. Phipps, T. M. Beachy, S. Gerstberger. Defining the Involvement of a Freely Dissociable Oxidized Halogen Species as an Enzyme Generated Intermediate in Chloroperoxidase-Catalyzed Reactions. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Jan. 25 1992, Vol. 267, p. 1769-75.
- Julie Millard, Tina Beachy. Cytosine Methylation Enhances Mitomycin C Crosslinking. Biochemistry, Nov. 30 1993, Vol. 32, No 47, p. 12850-12856.
- Libby RD, Beachy TM, Phipps AK. Quantitating direct chlorine transfer from enzyme to substrate in chloroperoxidase-catalyzed reactions. Journal of Biological Chemistry, Sep 6 1996, Vol. 271, p. 21820-7.
- Gayle J. Pageau, Rodwell Mabaera , Kathryn M. Kosuda, Tamara A. Sebelius, Ali H. Ghaffari, Kenneth A. Kearns, Jean P. McIntyre*, Tina M. Beachy*, and Dasan M. Thamattoor. Synthesis of a Strawberry Flavoring Agent by Epoxidation of Ethyl trans-β-methylcinnamate. Journal of Chemical Education, January 2002, Vol. 79, No. 1, p. 96.
- Beachy TM, Cole SL, Cavender JF, Tevethia MJ.Regions and activities of simian virus 40 T antigen that cooperate with an activated ras oncogene in transforming primary rat embryo fibroblasts. Journal of Virology, Apr 2002, v76, No. 7, p. 3145-57.