Véronique Plesch
Professor of Art; Chair of Art
- (207) 859-5634
- [email protected]
- (207) 859-5635
- Bixler 164
5634 Mayflower Hill Waterville, Maine 04901-8853
Current Courses
CRS | Title | Sec |
AR101J | Reading Images | A |
AR236 | Vienna 1900 | A |
AR238 | Surrealism | A |
AR397 | Alphabet of Creation: Ben Shahn's Illustrated Books | A |
AR474 | Graffiti, Past and Present | A |
- Ph.D., Princeton University
- M.A., Princeton University
- Licence ès Lettres, Université de Genève (Medieval French Literature)
- Licence ès Lettres, Université de Genève (Art History)
Areas of Expertise
- History of European art and culture, 1300-1800
- Christian iconography
- Medieval French literature
- Word and Image studies
Personal Information
- 2008-17 President of the International Association of Word and Image Studies.
- 2005-18 Member of the Editorial Board for Early Drama, Art and Music series (Medieval Institute Publications).
- 2011-2012 President of the New England Medieval Conference.
- 2002-2008 Member of the Executive Board of the International Association of Word & Image Studies and director of publications.
- 2002- Advisory editor for Interfaces.
Books and Volumes
- Efficacité / Efficacy: How To Do Things With Words and Images? Ed. Véronique Plesch, Catriona MacLeod, and Jan Baetens. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, 2011 (Word & Image Interactions 7).
- Elective Affinities: Testing Word and Image Relationships. Ed. Catriona MacLeod, Véronique Plesch, and Charlotte Schoell-Glass. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, 2009 (Word & Image Interactions 6).
- Painter and Priest: Giovanni Canavesio’s Visual Rhetoric and the Passion Cycle at La Brigue. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2006.
- Orientations: Space/Time/Image/Word. Ed. Claus Clüver, Véronique Plesch, and Leo Hoek. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, 2005 (Word & Image Interactions 5).
- Le Christ peint. Le cycle de la Passion dans les chapelles peintes du XVe siècle dans les Etats de Savoie. Chambéry: Société Savoisienne d’Histoire et d’Archéologie, 2004.
More Information - The Cultural Processes of Appropriation special issue of the Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 32:1 (2002), co-edited with Kathleen Ashley.
- Illuminating Words: The Artist’s Books of Christopher Gausby. Northampton: Smith College Museum of Art, 1999.
Articles and Essays
- “Beyond Art History: Graffiti on Frescoes.” In Understanding Graffiti. Ed. Troy Lovata and Elizabeth Olton. Walnut Creek: Left Coast Press, forthcoming.
- “Come capire i graffiti di Arborio”? In Immagini efficaci. Ed. Massimo Leone. Special issue of Lexia 16-17. Forthcoming.
- “Literary Spaces.” In Once Upon a Place: Architecture & Fiction. Ed. Pedro Gadanho and Susana Oliveira. Lisbon: Caleidoscópio, 2013. 145-47.
- “Destruction or Preservation?: The Meaning of Graffiti at Religious Sites.” In Art, Piety and Destruction in European Religion, 1500-1700. Ed. Virginia Raguin. Visual Culture in Early Modernity. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2010 (Visual Culture in Early Modernity). 137-72.
- Entries for the catalogue Art at Colby: Celebrating the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Colby College Museum of Art. Waterville: Colby College Museum of Art, 2009: Viviano Codazzi and Michelangelo Cerquozzi, Ruined Triumphal Arch, with Belisarius Receiving Alms, 40-41; Luca Giordano, Hercules on His Funeral Pyre, 44-45; Gaspard Dughet, A Wooded Landscape, 46-47; Albrecht Dürer, The Small Passion: Christ before Pilate, Hendrik Goltzius, The Roman Heroes: Mucius Scaevola, Rembrant van Rijn, Baptism of a Eunuch, Jacques Callot, Les Gueux: A Blind Beggar and His Companion, Francisco de Goya, Los Caprichos: Soplones, 48-51; Alejandro Cesarco, Scrabble, 348-49.
- “Memory and Intermediality in Maggie Libby’s Portraits of Colby Women.” In Media inter Media: Essays in Honor of Claus Clüver. Ed. Stephanie Moore Glaser. Studies in Intermediality. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, 2009. (Studies in Intermediality 3). 167-92.
- “Using of Abusing? On the Significance of Graffiti on Religious Wall Paintings.” In Out of the Stream: New Directions in the Study of Mural Painting. Ed. Luís Afonso and Vítor Serrão. Cambridge: Scholars Press, 2007. 42-68.
- “Words and Images in Late Medieval Drama and Art.” Mediaevalia 28.1 (2007): 25-55.
- “Sixteenth-Century Pictorial and Dramatic Religious Cycles in the French Alps: Time for the Renaissance Yet?” In Studies in Art of the Late Middle Ages and Northern Renaissance. Tributes in Honor of James H. Marrow. Ed. Jeffrey Hamburger and Anne Korteweg, Brepols: Turnhout, 2006. 281-93.
- “Le jardin de Lucie Lambert.” Québec Studies 38 (Fall 2004 / Winter 2005): 3-24.
- “From Image to Word: The Books of Lucie Lambert.” In Orientations: Space/Time/Image/Word. Word & Image Interactions 5. Ed. Claus Clüver, Véronique Plesch, and Leo Hoek. Amsterdam and Atlanta: Rodopi, 2005. 215-28.
- “Le Couronnement de la Vierge de l’église de Montagny-les-Monts, témoin de la culture des ‘Seigneurs du Pays de Vaud.’ Studi Piemontesi XXXIV:2 (2005): 327-38.
- “Body of Evidence: Devotional Graffiti in a Piedmontese Chapel.” In On Verbal / Visual Representation, Word & Image Interactions 4. Amsterdam and Atlanta: Rodopi, 2005. 179-91.
- “Luca Giordano’s Baroque Hercules” (with Alexandra Libby). In On Some Works in the Colby College Museum of Art, ed. Michael Marlais and David Simon, special issue of Colby Quarterly XXXIX:4 (2004): 345-61.
- “Visual Intertextuality and Visual Metatextuality.” In Sémiotique du beau, Groupe Eidos, Paris I/Paris VIII, Ed. Michel Costantini, Paris: L’Harmattan, 2003: 199-230.
- “Etched in Stucco: Graffiti as Witness of History.” The Writing of the Walls, special issue of Descant 118 (2002): 7-24.
- “Not Only Against Jews: Anti-Semitic Iconography and its Functions at La Brigue.” Studies in Iconography 23 (2002): 137-81.
- “L’art du XVe siècle dans les Alpes: au nord ou au sud?” In Frontières, contacts, échanges. Mélanges offerts à André Palluel-Guillard. Ed. Christian Sorrel, Chambéry: Société Savoisienne d’Histoire et d’Archéologie and Université de Savoie, 2002. 69-82.
- “Graffiti and Ritualization: San Sebastiano at Arborio.” In Medieval and Early Modern Rituals: Formalized Behavior in Europe, China and Japan. Ed. Joélle Rollo-Koster, Leiden: Brill, 2002. 127-46.
- “The Cultural Processes of Appropriation” (with Kathleen Ashley). In The Cultural Processes of Appropriation. Ed. Kathleen Ashley and Véronique Plesch. Special issue of the Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 32:1 (2002): 1-15.
- “Memory on the Wall: Graffiti on Religious Wall Paintings.” In The Cultural Processes of Appropriation. Ed. Kathleen Ashley and Véronique Plesch. Special issue of the Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 32:1 (2002): 167-97.
- “A Pilgrim’s Progress: Guidebooks to the New Jerusalem in Varallo,”Art on Paper 6:2 (Nov.-Dec. 2001): 50-57.
- “Le théâtre religieux à la fin du moyen âge dans le duché de Savoie.” L’Histoire en Savoie 139-140 (2000): 2-9.
- “Enguerrand Quarton’s Coronation of the Virgin: This World and the Next, the Dogma and the Devotion, the Individual and the Community.” Historical Reflections 26:2 (2000): 189-221.
- “Péché, repentir et désespoir; Formes et fonctions de l’iconographie de la Passion à Notre-Dame des Fontaines à La Brigue.” A vastera brigasca 1 (2000): 5-6.
- “Pictorial Ars Praedicandi in Late Fifteenth-Century Paintings.” In Text and Visuality. Word & Image Interactions 3. Ed. Martin Heusser, Michèle Hannoosh, Leo Hoek, Charlotte Schoell-Glass, and David Scott. Amsterdam and Atlanta: Rodopi, 1999. 173-86.
- “Killed By Words: Grotesque Verbal Violence and Tragic Atonement in French Passion Plays.” Comparative Drama 33:1 (1999): 22-55 (Festshrift issue for Clifford Davidson and John Stroupe). (This article also appears in: Tragedy’s Insight: Identity, Polity, Theodicity. Ed. Luis R. Gàmez. West Cornwall, CT: Locust Hill Press, 1999).
- “Notes for the Staging of a Late-Medieval Passion Play.” In Material Culture and Medieval Drama. Ed. Clifford Davidson, Kalamazoo: Medieval Institute Publications, 1999, 75-102.
- “Ludus Sabaudiae: Observations on Late Medieval Theater in the Duchy of Savoy.” The Early Drama, Art, and Music Review 21:1 (1998): 1-21.
- “Walls and Scaffolds: Pictorial and Dramatic Passion Cycles in the Duchy of Savoy.” Comparative Drama 32:2 (1998): 252-90.
- “Étalage complaisant? The Torments of Christ in French Passion Plays.” Comparative Drama 28:4 (1994-95): 458-85.
- “Innovazione iconografica e unità alpina: la Vergine incoronata dalla Trinità .” In Lo spazio alpino: area di civiltà, regione cerniera. Ed. G. Coppola and P. Schiera. Quaderni di Europa Mediterranea, 5, Naples: Gisem/Liguori Editore, 1991. 263-79.
- “Le couronnement de la Vierge de Waltensburg. Un problème iconographique de l’art grison au XVe siècle.” Nos monuments d’art et d’histoire 3 (1985): 345-50.