Colby Affirmation
The Colby Affirmation is the source of the vision shared by the community. The affirmation was developed by a task force of students, faculty, staff, and members of the Board of Trustees. By living this way, we prioritize the intellectual, physical, social, emotional, and spiritual well-being of all our community members.
The Colby Affirmation
Colby College is a community dedicated to learning and committed to the growth and well-being of all its members.
As a community devoted to intellectual growth, we value academic integrity. We agree to take ownership of our academic work, to submit only work that is our own, to fully acknowledge the research and ideas of others in our work, and to abide by the instructions and regulations governing academic work established by the faculty.
As a community built on respect for each other and our shared physical environments, we recognize the diversity of people who have gathered here and that genuine inclusivity requires active, honest, and compassionate engagement with one another and surrounding communities. We agree to respect each other, to honor community expectations, and to comply with College policies.
As a member of this community, I pledge to hold myself and others accountable to these values wherever I may find myself.