Summary of Key Policies and Expectations
Academic Integrity
Intellectual integrity is a fundamental value of all academic institutions and is at the heart of the primary teaching, learning, and research activities of the College. Misrepresenting one’s work, using sources without appropriate attribution, and giving or receiving unauthorized aid on assignments and examinations are dishonest acts that violate the core value of intellectual integrity.
Colby is dedicated to the education of humane, thoughtful, and engaged persons prepared to respond to the challenges of an increasingly diverse and global society and to the issues of justice that arise therein. The College is also committed to fostering a fully inclusive campus community, enriched by persons of different races, gender identities, ethnicities, nationalities, economic backgrounds, ages, abilities, sexual orientations, political beliefs and ideas, and spiritual values.
Campus Sustainability and Resource Conservation
Colby is committed to nurturing environmental awareness through its academic program as well as through its activities on campus and beyond. As a local and global environmental citizen, the College adheres to the core values of respect for the environment and sustainable living. Colby seeks to lead by example and fosters morally responsible environmental stewardship. Environmentally safe practices inform and guide campus strategic planning, decision-making, and daily operations. We recognize that achieving environmental sustainability is an ongoing challenge that evolves as we become more aware and educated as a community.
Colby is a private, coeducational liberal arts college that admits students and makes personnel decisions on the basis of the individual’s qualifications to contribute to Colby’s educational objectives and institutional needs. The principle of not discriminating on the basis of race, color, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, parental or marital status, national or ethnic origin, caste, political beliefs, veteran or military status, or disability unrelated to job or course of study requirements is consistent with the mission of a liberal arts college and the law. Colby is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and operates in accordance with federal and state laws regarding nondiscrimination.
Prohibition of Harassment or Intimidation
Harassment or intimidation based on race, age, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, national or ethnic origin, caste, parental or marital status, political beliefs and ideas, veteran or military status, or disability results in loss of self-esteem for the victim and in the deterioration of the quality of the classroom, social, or workplace environment. Neither the law nor College regulation permits harassment or intimidation as defined in relevant College policies. Both racial and sexual harassment are illegal under state and federal law. Harassment or intimidation by one’s peers, by any student, or by any employee of the College will not be tolerated. Possible penalties for those found guilty of harassment or intimidation include probation, suspension, expulsion, termination of employment, and civil or criminal lawsuits. Those in positions of authority in all sectors of the College community must recognize that there is always an element of power in their relationships with persons having less authority. Faculty members must be aware that they can unexpectedly find themselves responsible for the instruction or evaluation of any student at the College. It is, therefore, the responsibility of the person in authority not to abuse that power. Relationships between consenting adults that would otherwise be acceptable can pose problems when one of the two has any kind of authority over the other. Such relationships should be avoided.
Prohibition of Sexual Misconduct
Members of the Colby community, guests, and visitors have the right to be free from all forms of sexual misconduct. All members of the campus community are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that does not infringe upon the rights of others. Colby maintains a zero-tolerance policy for sexual misconduct, including sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence, non-consensual sexual intercourse or contact, sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, and stalking. For additional details, see the sexual misconduct policies in the Student, Staff, and Faculty handbooks.
Residential and Social Life
Because Colby is a residential college, students create a community that is simultaneously intellectual and social. The patterns and programs of social and residential life are administered so as to enhance faculty-student ties beyond the classroom; assure respect for persons and property as well as the individual rights, well-being, and dignity of others; promote understanding among all people; and foster personal growth and the opportunity to make lasting friendships. In the conduct of its social life, Colby is committed to several principles. First, while not every social event can or should be open to every student, campus social life as a whole should be open and welcoming to all students. Second, students must retain the right to avoid social engagements when they so choose. To this end, departments, residence halls, teams, clubs, and other groups should strive to ensure that participation in social activities is neither formally nor informally required. Third, personal conduct at social events should be governed by respect for the rights and well-being of others.
Code of Student Conduct
In accepting membership in the Colby community, students agree to conduct themselves in a manner that is consistent with the values of an academic community, including but not limited to honesty, integrity, civility, personal responsibility, respect for the rights of others, honoring the principles of free expression and free inquiry, and openness in the pursuit of knowledge and the search for truth, and to adhere to the following Code of Student Conduct: Colby students will not lie, steal, cheat, or engage in dishonest or unlawful behavior or any other behavior intended to inflict physical or emotional harm on another person. Colby students must abide by College policies and comply with directions of College officials acting in performance of their duties. For additional details see Code of Student Conduct in the Student Handbook.