Italian Studies Requirements
All courses are conducted in Italian unless otherwise noted.
Achievement Test: Students seeking entrance credit in Italian and wishing to pursue Italian at Colby must have taken either the College Board SAT Subject Test in Italian or a placement test during orientation.
Chair, Associate Professor Mouhamédoul Niang (French)
Associate Professor Gianluca Rizzo; Visiting Assistant Professors Nicole Ferrari and Toni Veneri; Language Assistant Lilia Di Pierro
Requirements for the Minor in Italian Studies
The minor in Italian studies seeks to acquaint students with the breadth of Italian language and civilization and to introduce them to the life and culture of Italy, from the Middle Ages to the modern and contemporary unified Italian state. Minors are strongly encouraged to spend at least one semester studying in Italy. The minor requires six courses: a minimum of five in the Italian Studies program, on campus, beginning with Italian 127 and including 128, 141, a 200-level course, and a 300-level course; plus one additional course in Italian literature or culture that may be taken outside the department and may be taught in English. All courses taken outside of the department must be approved by the Italian Studies program director or department chair. Students should plan on taking 127 and 128 consecutively, preferably before going abroad. Students planning to take fifth-semester Italian while abroad should see Associate Professor Gianluca Rizzo or the department chair.