Senior Capstone
In addition to their course work, senior Art History and Studio Art majors each participate in a senior capstone that helps prepare them for life after Colby and future work in the arts professions.
Studio Art majors gather with the studio faculty biweekly to learn about practical concerns including: preparations for graduate school; photographing their work; designing a website; writing artists’ statements and grant proposals; contacting galleries and exhibiting their work. In the spring, students engage in interdisciplinary group critiques to prepare for their Senior Exhibition in the Colby College Museum of Art.
Art History majors enroll in AR494 in the fall semester of their senior year. This weekly seminar helps them develop their independent research and advanced art-historical writing skills. In the spring, students in the capstone present their research at the Colby Liberal Arts Symposium (CLAS).
Majors enrolled in the capstone have a unique opportunity to travel together to a major arts destination, such as New York City and Washington, DC. On this annual trip, funded by The Mirken Family Endowment for Fine Art Practicum and Museum Practice at Colby, students network with professionals working in galleries, auction houses, artist studios, arts organizations, publishers, museums, and other arts institutions to get a full sense of the variety of professional choices that await them after graduation.