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Jun 19, 2023

Plesch delivers lecture at international conference

On June 15, 2023, Professor of Art Véronique Plesch delivered a lecture (via Zoom) titled “Iconographie de la haine: Défense et illustration du corpus iconographique” at the conference Expressions Artistique et Diversité Religieuse: Déconstruire les Figures de la Haine, organized by the Faculté des Sciences Juridiques, Économiques et Sociales Agda (Université Mohammed V, Rabat) and the International Association Overcoming Hate/Vaincre la haine, along with Essaouira Mogador, Bayt Dakira, Agence Marocaine d’Évaluation des Politiques Publiques, Centre d’Études et de Recherche sur le Droit Hébraïque, Chaire de Droit Hébraïque, and the Fondation Konrad-Adenauer Maroc, in Rabat, Morocco. Plesch is member of the scientific council of Vaincre la Haine, a French association (Law 1901) whose aim is “to fight racism, anti-Semitism, and anti-Muslim hatred; defend their victims and publicly plead for understanding of the problem and its consequences.”