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Oct 22, 2024

Plesch paper on Graffiti published in Medieval Cultural Heritage, Then and Now

Professor of Art Véronique Plesch published her paper “On the Patrimonialization of Graffiti.” In Medieval Cultural Heritage, Then and Now (Mediaevalia 45 [2024]: 205–29). In her abstract, Plesch writes that, “‘Graffiti’ is not a word one immediately associates with the concept of ‘heritage.’ In fact, the two are more often than not thought as antinomic and yet, as this paper argues, we are at a crucial moment of what can be termed the ‘patrimonialization’ of graffiti. Retracing the steps involved in this process of patrimonialization, starting with Raffaelle Garrucci’s study of Pompeian graffiti in the first half of the nineteenth century, this paper surveys the steps that have paved the way for a recognition of graffiti’s significance and the need for preservation. Recent initiatives demonstrate a new awareness, expressed in many ways through the work of individual scholars and heritage agencies. This paper interrogates the mutations that have led to such a renewed conception of graffiti as worthy of scholarly study, preservation, and display, while considering the implications and gains that such a patrimonialization holds.” One of the issue’s editors called Plesch’s article “a mainstay of the issue.”