Kristina Stahl
A Colby College graduate in 1999, Kristina Stahl was an English major and Women’s Studies minor. She was a two-time All-American in lacrosse and Co-Captain of Colby Women’s Lacrosse. She was also a key defense player for the Colby Women’s Soccer team for four years. At the time of her death on Sept. 11, 2002, Kristina was teaching at the Kingswood Oxford School in West Hartford and working toward her Bread Loaf School of English Master of Arts (MA) at Middlebury College.
Three years after Kristina graduated from Colby, she lost her inner battle with anxiety and died by suicide. Colby connections aided her parents and friends through this tragedy. Donations were made to Colby over several years for the Bill Alfond Athletic Field for lacrosse, covered team benches for soccer, and for creative writing. At Colby, Kristina loved frequent interactions and seminars with authors, all genres of writing, and the chance to work as an unpaid intern at a public relations and marketing firm, which helped her understand that she wanted to pursue teaching instead of commercial writing. Each of the initiatives of the Kristina Stahl Creative Writing Fund celebrate a different aspect of Kristina’s writing experience at Colby.
Pictures of Kristina Stahl