Jessica Cormier
Administrative Assistant 2
Explore the complex relationship between individuals and the diverse social and cultural contexts in which they learn and grow.
Adam Howard, Professor of Education & Department Chair
4420 Mayflower Hill
Waterville, Maine 04901
[email protected]
The Education Department encourages a broad liberal arts approach to educational theory, research, and practice, informed by a commitment to social justice and an understanding of the dynamics of power, privilege, and oppression in schools and society. Colby is one of the few liberal arts colleges that offers a major in educational studies. Students may also minor in education, and if they complete Colby’s professional certification program they can become public school teachers.
Virtually all courses in the program include the opportunity to work with children and youth in greater Waterville in service learning and civic engagement projects. Numerous opportunities are also available to collaborate with program faculty on cutting-edge educational research.
Learn more about the members of the department
Administrative Assistant 2
Charles A. Dana Professor of Education; Chair of Education
Assistant Professor of Education
Lecturer in Education/Coordinator of Teacher Education
Assistant Professor of Education
- Lyn Mikel Brown, M.A. ’05, Ed.D. (Ottawa, Harvard), 1991-2022, Professor of Education, Emerita
- Mark B. Tappan, M.A. ’05, Ed.D. (Oberlin, Ohio State, Harvard), 1991-2022, Professor of Education, Emeritus
- Marilyn S. Mavrinac, Ph.D., 1963-1995, Associate Professor of Education and Human Development, Emerita
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