Faculty Publications
Faculty Publications
French and Francophone Studies Publications
Recent articles & Co-edited volumes
“Podcasting Disruptive Voices: New Narratives of Race and Gender,” Special Issue of Contemporary French Civilization-Intersections, ed. Audrey Brunetaux & Thomas Muzart (forthcoming 2023).
“France & Post-racial Utopia, ” Special Issue for Contemporary French & Francophone Studies : SITES, ed. Audrey Brunetaux & Lam-Thao Nguyen (2022).
“Seeing Charlotte Delbo / Seeing the Shoah,” Special Issue of Women in French Studies, Volume 6 (2016), ed. Audrey Brunetaux and Michael Koppisch.
“La Rafle du Vél d’Hiv à la télévision française (1957-1995),” French Historical Studies, 41:1, 2018, 121-157
The Oxford Handbook of Montaigne (2017)
This new volume from Oxford University Press includes essays on “Montaigne on Virtue and Ethics” by Valérie M. Dionne (Associate Professor), “Montaigne’s Travel Journal” by François Rigolot (Meredith Howland Pyne Professor Emeritus), and “Montaigne on Language” by Katie Chenoweth (Assistant Professor).
Academic Monograph
F. Falantin, Faut-il brûler Sagan? Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2022, 472 pages.
In 1969, Romain Gary wondered: “Should Françoise Sagan be assassinated?” But who would carry out this symbolic murder? Why is the work of Françoise Sagan responsible for so many literary, philosophical and ideological divisions? By deciphering, through archives and unique texts, the secrets of the making of Saganian novels, this book offers a non-conformist study of the worldwide scandal provoked by the author of Bonjour tristesse, and also analyzes the treatment of homosexuality that spreads through all her artistic production.
Faut-il brûler Sagan? ranks among the top 5 best-sellers for publisher Classiques Garnier in the winter of 2022-2023, indicating the significant interest this book has garnered among readers: <link here>
- Crossing Borders: A Reading of Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle and Emile Zola’s Germinal, Frankfurt: Verlag DM, 2010.
- L’écriture de l’espace dans les littératures africaine et créoliste: De la polarité à sa transcendance. Paris : L’Harmattan, 2020. (revised edition)
- Rêves d’adolescents en terre noire. Paris : L’Harmattan, 2021. (novel)
Journal Articles
- “Biocentrism as Magical Realism, Realism and Hybrid Transculturation: Fatou Diome’s Innovative Fictionalization of Biocentric Characterization through Transnational Testimonials in Kétala.” Research in African Literatures 52.3 (2021): 20-40.
- “In defense of secular modernity: Politicizing the body and space in Malika Mokeddem’s Of Dreams and Assassins.” The Journal of the African Literature Association 15.2 (2021): 289-307
- “Global Capitalism, Multinational Corporations and The Invention of Identities in the Sahara: A Case Study of Idrissou Mora Kpai’s film Arlit: Deuxième Paris.” CELAAN 15.2.3 (2018): 134-161.
- “La dramaturgie lamartinienne ou le postcolonial avant la lettre : Le marronnage comme résistance,” Toussaint Louverture ; Nineteenth Century French Studies 42.3-4 (2014) : 190-205.
- “Le choc des imaginaires dans Les Soleils des indépendances d’Ahmadou Kourouma et L’année maigre d’Alhassane Ag. Baille.” French Studies in Southern Africa 44 (2014) : 132-156.
- “L’africanisation du polar ou l’élucidé du relationnel dans Les Cocus posthumes de Bolya Baenga.” La tortue verte. Revue en ligne des littératures francophones, special volume on the detective novel, ALITHILA, Lille, France : Université Lille 3, 2012, 47-60.
- “Ascendance étatique ou l’institution du nationalisme républicain dans L’Honneur de la tribu de Rachid Mimouni.” Nouvelles Études Francophones 26.1 (2011) : 150-165.
- “Déconstruction et renouveau esthétique: une exégèse narratologique de l’hybride et de la traduction dans Les Soleils des indépendances et Solibo Magnifique.” Alternative francophone 1.3 (2010) : 87-94. (University of Alberta, Canada; Online journal: http://ejournals.library.ualberta.ca/index.php/af/article/view/9629.
Book Chapters
- “Entre religion et classe sociale : le couple wolof et musulman dans La Grève des bàttu d’Aminata Sow Fall.” in Les femmes d’islam en littérature, art et film. Ed. Catherine Perry. Paris : L’Harmattan, 2017.
- “An Onomastic Reading of Ousmane Sembene’s Faat Kiné,” Ousmane Sembène and the Politics of Culture, eds. Lifongo Vetinde and Amadou Fofana. New York: Lexington Books, 2015, 131-143.
- “Croisées narratives ou nouvelle translation du vécu spatial de l’immigré. Le post-épistolaire et le mémoriel dans Le Ventre de l’Atlantique de Fatou Diome,” Frictions et devenirs dans les écritures migrantes au féminin. Enracinements et négociations, eds. Névine, El Nossery and Anna Roca, Saarbrücken/Sarrebruck: Éditions universitaires européennes, 2011, 235-252.
- “Modern Medicine, Excess and Tradition in L’Appel des arènes,” Health and Mental Issues in the Literary Imagination, ed. Mamadou Kandji, Dakar: Diaspora Academy Press, 2011, 115-124. (Special issue on medicine in African literature, Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar, Senegal)
Book Reviews
- Ayo A Coly. The Pull of Postcolonial Nationhood. New York: Lexington Books, French Review 88.1 (2014): 219-220.
- Manthia Diawara, African Film: New Forms of Aesthetics and Politics. Munich : Prestel, 2010, in Cahiers d’Études Africaines 213-214 (2014) : 549-553.
- Mathieu K. Abonnenc, Lotte Arndt, et Catalina Lozano, coords. Collecte coloniale et affect. Ramper, dédoubler. Paris: B46, 2016, in Nouvelles Études Francophones 32.1 (2017): 192-195.
- Médoune Guèye, Aminata Sow Fall, oralité et société dans l’œuvre romanesque, 07/04/2012: http://www.africultures.com/php/index.php?nav=article&no=10692.
- Cultural Identities in Canadian Literature/Identités culturelles dans la littérature canadienne. New York/ Berlin/London/Paris: Peter Lang. 230p.
- Traversée des idéologies et exploration des identités dans les écritures de femmes au Québec (1970-1980). NewYork/ Berlin/London/Paris: Peter Lang. Francophone Cultures and Literatures Serie 17. 386p.
Refeered articles in academic journals and books (2000-2023)
- « Imaginaire insulaire de l’océan Indien : une perspective écocritique ». Nouvelles
Etudes Francophones. Mona El Khory (Ed). Nebraska University Press. Fall 2023.
- “JMG Le Clézio and Orientalism”. Dictionnaire Le Clézio. Rachel Bouvet. (Ed.)
Editions Passages. Paris. 2020
- “Imaginaire diasporique et deuil impossible des origines dans Les Fous de Bhowani et La maison de Weng Chen”. Ecrivaines de l’Ile Maurice et de La Réunion: tisser des fils épars”. V. Magdelaine Andrianjafitrimo (Ed.). Lecce
(Italy): Presses de l’Alliance Française. 201-213. 2016.
- “Le Clézio et l’hindouisme”. Dictionnaire Le Clézio. Marina Salles (Ed.). Editions
Passages. Paris. 2015 http://www.editionspassages.fr/dictionnaire-jmg-le-clezio/lexique/canne-a-
- “Humour, fantastique et intertextualité parodique chez le Clézio et Amal Sewtohul”. Rires amers dans les littératures et productions filmiques réunionnaises et mauriciennes V. Magdelaine and Mar Garcia (Eds.). Editions
K’A. Ille-sur-Tet, France. 71-81. 2013.
- « Ananda Devi » Passages et Ancrages en France: Dictionnaire des écrivains
migrants de langue française (1981-2011). Ursula Mathis-Moser (Ed). Paris: Honoré Champion. 2012.
«Michele Rakotoson ». Passages et Ancrages en France: Dictionnaire des écrivains migrants de langue française (1981-2011). Ursula Mathis-Moser (Ed).
Paris: Ed. Honoré Champion. 2012.
- “Minorisation linguistique et émergence d’un théâtre cadien et franco-américain en français vernaculaire”. International Journal of Francophone Studies (IJFS). Rachel Killick (Ed). U. of Leeds, England. Special issue Francophone North American
Theater (Fall 2010): 201-214. 2010.
- “Transgendered Identities in Anne Hébert’s Un habit de lumière and Pedro Almodovar’s All About my Mother. Anne Hébert: Essays on her Works. L. Skallerup (Ed.). Writers Serie. U. of Alberta/Editions Guernica. Canada. 2010.
- “Réflexion autour des enjeux critiques des littératures indianocéaniques”.
- Littératures du Sud. Marc Cheymol (Ed). Paris: Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie. 2009.
- “Mythe et Epopée de la descente du Gange dans La Quarantaine de J.M.G Le Clézio”. Numéro spécial J.M.G Le Clézio. Europe FA 2008:161-167. 2009.
- “La Légende de la descente du Gange revue par Le Clézio”. Rencontre avec l’Inde 37, 1. New Delhi, India. 26-35. 2008.
“Enjeux critiques des littératures indianocéaniques pour les études francophones”.
- Les études françaises et francophones dans un panorama plurilingue. AITF et Agence Universitaire de la francophonie (AUF). K. Madanagobalane (Ed). Samita
Publications. University of Chennai/Madras/Pondichery, India. 187-197. 2007.
- “Literatures in European Languages: Francophone Indian Ocean Africa”. New Encyclopedia of Africa., Vol. 3. John Middleton; Joseph C. Miller, Eds. Detroit: Charles Scribner’s Sons. 397-399. 2007.
- “L’Habit de lumière ou le corps travesti chez Anne Hébert”. L’Ecriture du corps dans la littérature québécoise. Limoges: Presses de l’Université de Limoges (Pulim), France. 227-235. 2007.
- “Stratégies de création et subversion des catégories de genre chez Anne Hébert et Pedro Almodovar”. Cahiers internationaux de symbolisme 107-108-109 (2004): 93-106. Issue on “Théories et pratiques de la création”. Centre interdisciplinaire
d’études philosophiques. Université de Mons: Belgium. 2005.
- “Le Clézio: La Francophonie et la question postcoloniale” co-author Bruno Thibault. Intro. Special issue Le Clézio. Nouvelles Etudes Francophones 20. 2 (Fall 2005): 9-15. 2005.
- “La philosophie orientale du cycle de vie et de mort dans La Quarantaine. J.M.G.
- Le Clézio: Intertextualités, Interculturalités. S. Bertocchi-Jollin et B. Thibault (Eds.). St. Quentin: Editions de Université de Versailles. 105-118. 2004.
- “Francophone Literatures of the Indian Ocean”. The Cambridge
History of African and Caribbean Literatures. Vol. 2. F. Abiola Irele (Ed.) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 569-583. 2004.
- “L’Auteur(e) et ses doubles: à la recherche de “l’Inconnu de la Seine”/scène dans L’Enfant chargé de Songes”. Cahiers Anne Hébert 4 (SP 2003). Special Issue “Anne Hébert et la critique”. Sherbrooke: Université de Sherbrooke. Québec. 115-128. 2003
- “Le mythe de Robinson revisité par Tournier et Le Clézio”. L’océan Indien dans les littératures francophones. Ed. V.Hookoomsingh. Paris: Karthala et Presses de
l’Université de Maurice/Mauritius University Press. Mauritius. 463-474. 2001.
The Stoics: A Bilingual Critical Edition. Louisa Siefert, translated by Norman R. Shapiro and with an introduction, notes and bibliography by Adrianna M. Paliyenko. Penn State University
Press, forthcoming, August 2023.
Envie de génie: La contribution des femmes à la poésie française (XIXe siècle).
“This is a valuable book that will become a significant point of reference. Along with studies like Margaret Cohen’s Sentimental Education of the Novel, it makes a major contribution to our
understanding of the cultural context in which women were writing. . . . Paliyenko has opened up new horizons, and this book will certainly invite, provoke, and make possible further work in an important field.”—Katherine Lunn-Rockliffe, H-France
“Adrianna Paliyenko brings to her work on French women’s poetry an already most impressive background, and she writes with authority and solid, yet graceful, erudition. Genius Envy will attract and inform many readers, male and female—especially at a time when nouns
like auteur(e) and écrivain(e) are asserting their presence in the language—and will undoubtedly become a long-lasting milestone in the burgeoning study of French women poets.”—Norman R. Shapiro, editor and translator of French Women Poets of Nine Centuries: The Distaff and the Pen
“Adrianna Paliyenko’s major new assessment of poetry composed or theorized by women, Genius Envy, is long overdue in professional nineteenth-century French studies circles. Her incisive
reexamination of this undervalued literary corpus and recent scholarship about it puts to rest for good the myth that female poets—contemporaries of Lamartine, Hugo, Gautier, Baudelaire,
Rimbaud, and Mallarmé—were somehow less aesthetically significant than more widely celebrated male writers.”—Stamos Metzidakis, author of Difference Unbound: The Rise of Pluralism in Literature and Criticism
“The fruit of more than a decade of research, Genius Envy radically upends current thinking about
women poets, their reception, and their engagement with the allegedly male-dominated world of nineteenth-century French literature. Evoking a multiplicity of female voices and touching on
colonial history, social class, philosophy, science, and aesthetics, Adrianna Paliyenko’s remarkable new book is required reading for those interested in genius, the history of canon formation, and
literary and social equity.”—Elizabeth Emery, author of Photojournalism and the Origins of the French Writer
House Museum (1881–1914): Privacy, Publicity, and Personality
“Genius Envy makes a major contribution to studies of nineteenth-century French poetry. Adrianna
Paliyenko’s treatment of women writers who challenge the previously male-defined notion of genius reframes much more than the study of these five writers; it cuts through stale definitions of writers as masculine or feminine and argues convincingly for a new way of considering genius, creativity, and the poetic. As a result, it raises important questions about women’s place in discourse, important today as it was then.”—Seth Whidden, author of Authority in Crisis in French Literature, 1850–1880
“After centuries during which genius was defined as exclusively male, Adrianna Paliyenko provides a brilliant, learned, and highly readable account of the extremes to which men went in order to
deny genius to women. With equal brilliance she restores several pages excised from nineteenth-century literary history by this gendering, and she gives voice to French women poets as they challenge their exclusion. Thanks to Paliyenko’s groundbreaking book, the sexing of genius has lost its self-evidence, and the nineteenth century has gained five major poets.”—Ann Jefferson, author of Genius in France: An Idea and Its Uses
Italian Studies Publications
Poetry on Stage: The Theatre of the Italian Neo-Avant-Garde
Poetry on Stage focuses on exchanges between the writers of the Italian neo-avant-garde with the actors, directors, and playwrights of the Nuovo Teatro. The book sheds light on a forgotten chapter of twentieth-century Italian literature, arguing that the theatre was the ideal incubator for stylistic and linguistic experiments and a means through which authors could establish direct contact with their audience and verify solutions to the practical and theoretical problems raised by their stances in politics and poetics. A robust analysis of a number of exemplary texts grounds these issues in the plays and poems produced at the time and connects them with the experimentations subsequently carried out by some of the same artists.
In-depth interviews with four of the most influential figures in the field – critic Valentina Valentini, actor and director Pippo Di Marca, author Giuliano Scabia, and the late poet Nanni Balestrini – conclude the volume, providing invaluable first-hand testimony that brings to life the people and controversies discussed.
“… a major contribution to this field of study.”
John Picchione, York University
“… meticulous research and outstanding archival work…”
Paolo Chirumbolo, Louisiana State University
“To read Gianluca Rizzo’s fascinating study of the theatre of the Italian neo-avant-garde is to be reminded of how much we still have to learn about key literary movements of the second half of the twentieth century”
Marjorie Perloff, Stanford University
“Some books are good reads; others are such that you learn things you did not know. Still others reteach you things you thought you knew. Gianluca Rizzo’s Poetry on Stage belongs, undeniably, in the third category.
Luigi Ballerini, UCLA
On the Fringe of the Neoavantgarde / Ai confini della Neoavanguardia, Palermo 1963- Los Angeles 2013
On October 17th 2013, a group of young scholars and writers gathered in Los Angeles to commemorate another meeting (a much more fateful one) that had taken place in Palermo fifty years earlier, on October 3rd 1963 to be exact, at the Hotel Zagarella and the Sala Scarlatti of the Conservatorio. Back then, the main attraction had been the Festival Internazionale della Musica Nuova, a long-established music festival that had brought to Sicily some of the most interesting experiments from all over the world. An investigation on the latest developments in contemporary literature, the organizers thought, would have made a nice addition to the events already planned: it was the beginning of the ‘avant-garde by wagon-lit,’ as Umberto Eco famously (and humorously) dubbed it. Fifty years later, and over ten thousand miles away, that same avant-garde is still inspiring a lively discussion, the end of the line being nowhere in sight.
The Complete Poems of Michelangelo: Joseph Tusiani’s Classic Translation
Though known primarily as a sculptor and painter, Michelangelo was also a poet. In his lifetime, Michelangelo wrote over 300 poems, many of which were works of devotion and love poems of a spiritual and mystical nature.
In 1961, Joseph Tusiani offered the first English translations of the complete corpus of Michelangelo’s poems. These translations illuminated the subtleties of both the source and target language, giving Michelangelo’s verse a freshness, a depth, and an inventiveness that time has not been able to obscure.
The Complete Poems of Michelangelo reproduces Tusiani’s masterful translation. In addition to Tusiani’s introduction and translations, this new edition contains Michelangelo’s original Italian poetry, a chronology of his life and works, a biographical profile of Tusiani, and an interview with Tusiani exploring his musings on classic literature and the subtle art of translation. The Complete Poems of Michelangelo sheds light on Tusiani’s many exceptional accomplishments during his long and prolific life as a scholar, poet, translator, and artist.
“The Complete Poems of Michelangelo takes the reader on a unique journey to the tormented soul of ‘the greatest poet of the Cinquecento.’ In this elegant new edition, Joseph Tusiani’s classic version lines up in the great tradition of Wordsworth, Emerson, Longfellow, Symonds, Santayana, and Newell, against which the translator claims his special right to give Michelangelo an authentic English voice.”
Igor Candido, Head of Italian , Trinity College Dublin
“What a wonderful service Gianluca Rizzo has rendered by re-issuing Joseph Tusiani’s classic translations! Michelangelo’s brilliant sonnets, odes, and madrigals are now available to a much wider readership. It is a joy to read and reread the remarkable literary oeuvre of the sculptor of David and the painter of the Sistine Chapel!”
Marjorie Perloff, Author of Infrathin: An Experiment in Micropoetic
“Tusiani’s masterful, invaluable translations of the complete poems of Michelangelo, which have finally been updated and reprinted in this prestigious new edition, constitute the most compelling Anglophone version of these important compositions to date.”
Philip Balma, Associate Professor of Italian Literary and Cultural Studies, University of Connecticut