Academic Program
The statistics major is designed to equip students with the analytical tools and capacities to interact with real-world data in a research environment while also accommodating students who seek a more theoretical foundation in the field. It is designed to pair with fields of study in which data plays a central role. This major equips students with the fundamental skills necessary to understand not only how to display and analyze data, but how to design studies and experiments and collect data.
Requirements for the Major in Statistics
Completion of each of the following with a grade of C- or better: Mathematics 160 or 165, 253, 381; a Computer Science course; Mathematics 274 or Computer Science 2XX or Statistics 3XX; Statistics 212, 321, 482; and two additional statistics electives numbered 300 or above.
Students majoring in mathematical sciences or data science may not major in statistics.
Requirements for the Minor in Statistics
Completion of each of the following with a grade of C- or better: Mathematics 160 or 165, and 253; Statistics 212 and 321; and two more statistics courses numbered 300 or above. (The Psychology 214/215 or Economics 293/393 course sequences may be substituted for Statistics 212.)
Students minoring in data science may not minor in statistics.
A major and minor in data science are described in the “Data Science” section of the catalogue.
The point scale for retention of the minors applies to all courses in the minors. No requirement for the minors may be taken satisfactory/unsatisfactory.
Courses |
Statistics Requirements |
Student Research |
Senior Prize |
Honors Projects |