Selected Faculty Publications
Our faculty are active researchers. Some have student co-authors! Here is a selection of recent publications by our some of our continuing faculty. For more information on each faculty member, check out their webpage. For more information on research with students, check out the Student Research page.
Research Areas: Survival Analysis, Biostatistics
Selected Publications:
- Ning, X., Pan, Y., Sun, Y., & Gilbert, P. B. (2023). “A semiparametric Cox–Aalen transformation model with censored data.” Biometrics.
Research Areas: Biostatistics, Psychiatric Epidemiology, Public Health
Selected Publications:
- Strout K. Schwartz-Mette R. McNamara J. Parsons K. Walsh D. Bonnet J. O’Brien LM. Robinson K.. Sibley, S. Smith A. Sapp M. Sprague, L. Robinson K. Henderson A. “Wellness in Nursing Education to Promote Resilience and Reduce Burnout: Protocol for a Holistic Multidimensional Wellness Intervention and Longitudinal Research Study Design in Nursing Education.” JMIR Research Protocols. 12: e49020, 2023.
- O’Connor AB. O’Brien LM. Watson, L. “Implications of perinatal buprenorphine exposure on infant head circumference at birth.” Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine. 34(2): 318-322, 2021.
- Huff M. Dimauro A. Coane J. O’Brien L. “Mapping the Time Course of Semantic Activation in Mediated False Memory: Immediate Classification, Naming, and Recognition.” Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 74(3): 483-496, 2021.
Research Areas: Statistics, Epidemiology
Selected Publications:
- NS Shah, A. Flood-Bryzman, C. Jeffries, and J. Scott. “Towards a Generation Free of Tuberculosis: TB disease and Infection in Individuals of College Age in the United States.” Journal of American College Health (2018).
- Scott JC, Shah N, Porco T, Flood J. “Cost Resulting from Anti-Tuberculosis Drug Shortages in the United States: A Hypothetical Cohort Study.” PLoS ONE (2015).
- Bellan SE, Pulliam JRC, Scott JC, Dushoff J. “How to Make Epidemiological Training Infectious.” PLoS Biology (2012).
Research Areas: Bayesian Statistics, High-Dimensional Statistics
Selected Publications:
- Martin, R. & Tang, Y. (2020) “Empirical priors for prediction in sparse high-dimensional linear regression.” Journal of Machine Learning Research.
Research Areas: Statistical Learning, Survey Sampling, Data Visualization
Selected Publications:
- Wieczorek, J. (2023) “Design-based conformal prediction”, Survey Methodology, vol. 49, no. 2.
- Wieczorek, J., Guerin, C., and McMahon, T. (2022) “K-fold cross-validation for complex sample surveys”, Stat, vol. 11, no. 1, e454.
- Wieczorek, J. and Lei, J. (2022). “Model-Selection Properties of Forward Selection and Sequential Cross-Validation for High-Dimensional Regression”, Canadian Journal of Statistics, vol. 50, no. 2, 454-470.