The Center for Teaching and Learning offers multiple genres of programming.
Workshops offer instructors introductory experiences to new or foundational pedagogies. During a workshop, instructors will have the opportunity to actively apply the session content.
Roundtables build insight and community around topics of mutual interest among instructors. Facilitators provide a brief introduction to the topic at hand, followed by interactive dialogue with participants.

Prolonged, Intensive, and Special Events
For substantial reflection and work time on teaching, the Center for Teaching and Learning provides numerous experiences. Our Learning Assistant program occurs every semester, and the Celebration of Teaching occurs each spring.
Communities of practice gather a group of instructors and/or CTL staff for dedicated discussion, analysis, or implementation of a pedagogical topic or approach. They meet on multiple occasions for an extended period of time.
Course (re)Design Institutes are structured, multi-day intensive workshops focusing on the design or redesign of one particular course. During CDIs, instructors gain knowledge of instructional approaches from CTL staff, work on the implementation and planning of those approaches, and consult with the CTL and other instructors about the implementation process. CDIs are typically offered 2-3 times per year, in January and August.
The Center for Teaching and Learning provides two types of consultations: consultations for courses at mid-semester through our Mid-Semester Course Analysis (MSCA) Program and ad hoc consultations.
Ad hoc consultations provide opportunities for individuals, small groups, or departments to work directly with the CTL on topics related to teaching and learning such as course design, actively engaging students, designing effective assignments, creating rubrics, reviewing course evaluations, etc. Request a Consultation on this form.
As partners in the consultation process, the CTL director (Jordan Troisi) and faculty member(s) work through the teaching or learning issue with assistance from evidence-based resources and their collective expertise. All interactions, discussions, and/or data are private.