Colby Buildings and Departments, Capitalization
Editorial Style Guide
Consistent style and usage are essential to conveying quality and professionalism in our written communications. Click below for a guide to Colby standards on capitalization, punctuation, and more.
1. Academic Divisions
Capitalize the names of Colby departments, offices, and divisions and the words department, office, and division when they appear together: Art Department, Department of Art, Admissions Office, Office of Admissions. For majors and minors, refer to this page
Right: Office of the President, President’s Office
Right: The director of campus life is in the Division of Student Affairs.
Right: The English Department office is in Miller Library.
Right: New offices were created for the departments of Government, History, Economics, and Anthropology.
Department of:
- African-American Studies
- American Studies
- Anthropology
- Art
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Cinema Studies
- Classics
- Computer Science
- East Asian Studies
- Economics
- Education
- English (includes Creative Writing)
- Environmental Studies
- French and Italian
- Geology
- German and Russian
- Global Studies
- Government
- History
- Jewish Studies
- Latin American Studies
- Mathematics
- Music
- Performance, Theater, and Dance
- Philosophy
- Physics and Astronomy
- Psychology
- Religious Studies
- Science, Technology, and Society
- Sociology
- Spanish
- Statistics
- Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
- Buck Lab for Climate and Environment
- Center for the Arts and Humanities
- Center for Small Town Jewish Life
- Center for Teaching and Learning
- Colby Academic Research Assistants (CARA)
- Colby Achievement Program in the Sciences (CAPS)
- Colby at Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences
- Colby Cares About Kids (CCAK)
- Colby in Dijon
- Colby in Salamanca
- Colby Liberal Arts Symposium (CLAS)
- Davis United World College Scholars (no hyphen)
- First-Generation-to-College/Low-Income Program for Student Success or FLI Program
- Goldfarb Center for Public Affairs
- Halloran Lab for Entrepreneurship
- Happy Days Childcare and Learning Center at Colby College
- Integrated Studies Program
- January Program or Jan Plan (with space)
- Linde Packman Lab for Biosciences Innovation
- Lyons Arts Lab
- McVey Center for Computational and Data Sciences
- Oak Institute for Human Rights
- Posse Scholars
- Pulver Science Scholars Program
- Public Policy Lab
- QuestBridge Scholars
- Senior Scholars Program
Division of:
- Humanities
- Interdisciplinary Studies
- Natural Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Colby College Libraries
- Colby College Museum of Art or Colby Museum of Art or Colby Museum
- Colby Bookstore
- Counseling Services
- DavisConnects
- Davis Institute for Artificial Intelligence
- Department of Athletics and Recreation
- Department of Security
- Dining Services
- Division of College Advancement
- Division of Student Affairs
- Facilities Services
- Farnham Writers’ Center (plural possessive)
- Office of Admissions and Financial Aid
- Office of Administrative Operations
- Office of Advancement
- Office of Advancement Communications and Engagement
- Office of Advancement Operations
- Office of Advancement Strategy and Analysis
- Office of Annual Giving and Programs
- Office of Campus Events
- Office of Communications
- Office of the Dean of the College
- Office of the Dean of Students
- Office of the Dean of Studies
- Office of Donor Relations
- Office of Financial Planning
- Office of Financial Services
- Office of Foundation Relations and Sponsored Programs
- Office of Human Resources
- Office of Information Technology Services
- Office of Institutional Research and Assessment
- Office of Investment Management
- Office of Media Resources
- Office of Multicultural Affairs
- Office of Off-Campus Study
- Office of the President
- Office of the Provost and the Dean of Faculty
- Office of the Registrar
- Office of Religious and Spiritual Life
- Office of the Residential Experience
- Office of Special Programs and Conference Services
- Office of Student Engagement and Leadership
- Office of Student Financial Services
- Office of Sustainability
- Office of the Vice President for Administration and Chief Financial Officer
- Office of the Vice President and Chief Institutional Advancement Officer
- Office of the Vice President, General Counsel, and Secretary of the College
- Office of the Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer
- Office of the Vice President for Planning
- Pugh Center for Student Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Special Collections and Archives
- Student Wellness and Health Resources
2. Buildings, Facilities, and Roads
Use the official name of campus facilities with capitals in formal communication. On the second reference, if the name is partial, you may shorten the name with the appropriate designation. On the second reference when you use no proper name, lowercase hall, center, union, and building. Do not use building, hall, union, and center interchangeably.
Right: The Eustis Administration Building houses the Office of the President. The building is near Cotter Union.
Right: The Office of Institutional Research and Assessment is also in the Eustis Building. The office keeps track of enrollment data.
- Biomass Heating and Cogeneration Plant
- Bixler Art and Music Center
- Art and Music Library
- Crawford Art Studios
- Given Auditorium
- Colby College Museum of Art
- Alfond-Lunder Family Pavilion
- Davis Galleries
- Gladys Brooks Foundation Gallery
- Jetté Galleries
- Landay Teaching Gallery
- Lunder Wing
- Mirken Education Center
- Paul J. Schupf Wing for the Works of Alex Katz
- The Paul J. Schupf Sculpture Court
- Stradley Terrace
- William D. Adams Gallery
- The Lawrence Walker Collins Observatory
- Cotter Union
- Caporale Lounge
- Joseph Family Spa
- Marchese Blue Light Pub
- Page Commons Room
- Pugh Center for Student Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Pulver Pavilion
- Bobby Silberman Lounge
- Davis Science Center
- Diamond Building
- Ostrove Auditorium
- Townsend Gilkes Seminar Room
- Eustis Administration Building
- Dr. Frank O. Apantaku ’71 Boardroom
- Garrison-Foster Building
- Gordon Center for Creative and Performing Arts
- Klein Family Percussion and Electronic Instrument Room
- Kwon Family Practice Room
- Landay Cinema Studies Production Studio
- Leff Family Teaching Room
- Luke Binh Kelly ’21 Practice Room
- Carol and Bruce MacPherson Outdoor Performance Lawn
- Olentine Forum
- Performance Hall
- Privitera Family Sprung Floor
- Reed Family Practice Room
- The Piano Room
- Weber Family Balcony
- Grossman Hall
- DavisConnects
- Harold Alfond Athletics and Recreation Center
- (see Athletic Facilities below)
- Hill Family Guest House
- Lorimer Chapel
- Rose Chapel
- Lovejoy Building
- Kassman Auditorium (Room 100)
- Lunder House
- Miller Library
- Brewster Room (main floor reading room)
- Alfred King Chapman Room
- Davis Educational Foundation Electronic-Research Classroom
- John and Catherine Healy Memorial Room
- Mule Works Innovation Lab
- Edwin Arlington Robinson Memorial Room
- Eugenia Hall Wormser ’60 Reading Room
- Millett House (now Happy Days Childcare and Learning Center at Colby College)
- Osborne House (formerly President’s House)
- Physical Plant
- Roberts Building (not Union)
- Smith Room
- Hurd Room
- Robins Room
- Smith-Hurd-Robins Room
- Whitney Room
- Runnals Building (not Union)
- Dunn Dance Studio
- Strider Theater
- Cellar Theater
- Schair-Swenson-Watson Alumni Center
- Coburn Smith Library
- Parker-Reed Room
- Science Complex
- Arey Life Sciences Building
- Keyes Science Building
- Paul J. Schupf Scientific Computing Center
- Seeley G. Mudd Science Building
- F.W. Olin Science Center
- Olin Study and Collaborative Space
- The Young Observatory
- Anthony-Mitchell-Schupf Hall
- Averill Hall
- Bill & Joan Alfond Main Street Commons
- Chace Community Forum
- Silverman and Robbins Lounges and Entry
- Carol Swann-Daniels House
- Coburn Hall
- Dana Hall
- East Quad
- Butler Hall
- Champlin Hall
- Small Hall
- Foss Hall
- Harold and Bibby Alfond Residence Complex
- Heights
- Hillside Complex
- Leonard Hall
- Marriner Hall
- Sturtevant Hall
- Taylor Hall
- Williams Hall
- Jacqueline Núñez House
- Jane Powers House
- Johnson Hall
- Mary Low Hall
- Mary Low Coffeehouse
- Paula Crane Lunder House
- Roberts Row
- Drummond Hall
- Goddard-Hodgkins Hall
- Perkins-Wilson Hall
- Pierce Hall
- Piper Hall
- Roberts Hall
- Treworgy Hall
- West Quad
- Chaplin Hall
- Pepper Hall
- Robins Hall
- Woodman Hall
- Harold Alfond Athletics and Recreation Center
- Aquatics Center
- Boulos Family Fitness Center
- Head Coach Offices
- Jack Kelley Men’s Ice Hockey Head Coach Office
- 1978 Men’s Lacrosse Team Head Coach Office
- Mary Kay Whitmore P’91 Head Coach Office
- Indoor Competition Center
- Springhorn Family Track
- Aidan’s Climbing and Bouldering Wall
- Locker Rooms
- Tom Austin Locker Room For Football and Lacrosse
- Ferri Family Alpine and Nordic Skiing Locker Room
- Matt Gaudet ’95 Men’s Basketball Locker Room
- Smith Family Men’s Swimming and Diving Locker Room
- Williams Family Women’s Swimming and Diving Locker Room
- Williams Family Men’s Ice Hockey Locker Room
- Margaret M. Crook Center
- Whitmore-Mitchell Basketball Court
- Marjorie Bither Administrative Suite
- O’Neil Family Wellness Studios
- O’Neil | O’Donnell Forum (ice arena)
- Jack Kelley Rink
- Papadellis Family Erg Room
- Public Spaces
- Cerepak-Knight Room (overlooks O’Neil | O’Donnell Forum)
- Hancock Room (overlooks Margaret M. Crook Center)
- David F. O’Donnell Courtyard
- Pugh Family Hospitality Room (overlooks Aquatics Center)
- Richard R. Schmaltz Welcome Pavilion
- Squash Center
- Outdoor Athletic Facilities
- Alfond-Wales Tennis Courts
- Bill Alfond Field
- The Campbell Trails
- Coombs Field (baseball)
- The Klein Tennis Pavilion
- The Ludy and Pacy Levine Athletic Grounds
- Alfond Track
- Harold Alfond Stadium
- Seaverns Football Field
- Mark R. Serdjenian Field
- Colby College Island Campus, Colby Island Campus, or The Island Campus
- Allen Island
- Karen Linde Packman Center
- block house, sail loft, bunkhouse, etc. are all lowercase
- Benner Island
- oar house, round house, fish house, salt shed, library, greenhouse, etc. are all lowercase
- Allen and Benner islands
- Colby-Hume Center
- Colby-Marston Preserve
- Johnson Pond
- Mayflower Hill or the Hill (informal)
- Perkins Arboretum and Bird Sanctuary
- The Bill & Joan Alfond Main Street Commons
- Chace Community Forum
- Silverman and Robbins Lounges and Entry
- Greene Block + Studios
- The Paul J. Schupf Art Center, or Schupf Arts (with the “s”) as a second reference
- Joan Dignam Schmaltz Gallery of Art
- Bixler Walk
- Runnals Walk
- Alumni Drive
- Bixler Walk
- Campus Drive
- Cotter Drive
- Leonard Way
- Marriner Drive
- Mayflower Hill Drive
- Pond Drive
- Runnals Walk
- Senior Drive
- Solar Way
3. Alma Mater
Lowercase alma mater (unless in a title).
4. Alumni Association, Alumni Council
Lowercase all second references to the association and council.
5. a.m. and p.m.
Right: 3 p.m., 9 a.m. (For more about times, see the “Numerals” section.)
6. Board of Trustees, Faculty, President, Visitors
Capitalize Board of Trustees. Capitalize Trustee, President, and Visitor (formerly Overseer) as a title before a name. Lowercase titles used after the person’s name. Lowercase second reference to the board or to trustees. Refer to the Visitors (not Board of Visitors [formerly Board of Overseers]). When referring to Visitors as an entity, capitalize. Do not capitalize faculty, president, or visitor except as a title preceding a name. Refer to the chair of the board, not chairman or chairwoman.
Right: On Monday, Trustee John Wilkins made a speech.
Right: She has been a trustee for four years.
Right: The board sets policy on funding for the College.
Right: The president talked to the Visitors.
7. Classes and Courses
Classes are individual sessions; courses generally last for a semester (or Jan Plan term). Use lowercase when you refer to courses and classes unless you use the specific name of a course (as listed in the catalogue) or the course uses a proper noun or numeral. Do not use quotes around course titles.
Right: I had a mathematics class and an environmental studies class yesterday.
Right: I took a mathematics course and an environmental studies course last semester.
Right: I am taking American Music, Introduction to Psychology, and Intermediate Spanish.
8. Class Years and Parent Years
Capitalize “Class” in all references to Colby class years. Use the apostrophe (not opening single quote) to abbreviate class years. Use four digits in class years from more than 90 years ago.
For parents and grandparents, use P or GP followed by an apostrophe and the abbreviated class year. For parents or grandparents with more than one child, add a comma followed by a second apostrophe and class year.
If alumni are also parents, use their class year first, followed by the parent convention described above.
Right: The Class of 1956 broke the fundraising record.
Right: Dr. Clarence E. “Doggie” Dore ’39 was the College physician. (Not ‘39.)
Right: Elijah Parish Lovejoy, Class of 1826, was a martyr to abolition and freedom of the press.
Right: Michael ’72 and Anne O’Hanian Szostak ’72 returned to campus in June.
Right: Dick Schmaltz ’62, P’87, GP’15 is a frequent summer visitor on campus.
Right: Colby’s Young Observatory was made possible by the generosity of David P’18, ’18 and Deanna Young P’18, ’18.
Right: Kristen Hock Davie ’90, P’21 has been the correspondent for the Class of 1990 since 2010.
9. Colby Fund
Capitalize all references to funds, e.g.: the Colby Fund, the Colby Fund for Parents or the Parents Fund. Lowercase all second references to the fund. (No apostrophe in Parents—it’s an adjective, not a possessive noun.)
10. The College
Capitalize College by itself only when it refers to Colby.
11. College Events
Capitalize reunion only when used in the titles Reunion Weekend or the specific year, e.g. Reunion 2025. All milestone reunions should also be capitalized, e.g. 50th Reunion, 25th Reunion, 10th Reunion.
Capitalize Family Homecoming Weekend (no hyphen).
Capitalize commencement only as part of the formal title and only when it refers to Colby’s commencement, as in Commencement 2019 or Colby’s 195th Commencement.
12. Committees, Clubs
Capitalize names of committees and clubs and lowercase second references. Lowercase names of subcommittees.
Right: The Student Affairs Committee met Thursday. Our committee planned to honor the guest speakers.
Right: The marketing subcommittee of the Development Committee meets Saturday.
13. Official and Courtesy Titles
Titles are capitalized only when written before a person’s name. Refer to the Colby College Catalogue for official titles. Do not put a courtesy title before a person’s name if a degree title follows it. Use the abbreviations only after a full name, never after just a last name. Lowercase titles unless they precede a name. Second and subsequent references generally use last names only.
Vice president has no hyphen.
When used after a name, a courtesy title is set off by commas. Titles such as C.P.A. are preceded by a comma. Jr. or ordinals in names (III etc.) are not preceded by a comma.
A title is never used for an honorary degree. Colby publications only use the title Dr. for medical and osteopathic doctors.
Courtesy titles such as Mr., Mrs., Ms., and Miss are generally not used in either first or subsequent references.
Professor may be used as a courtesy title, capitalized before the person’s name. Coach is lowercase, with or without the specific name of the sport coached.
Wrong: Dr. John Thomas, Ph.D.
Right: Kevin Jones, Ph.D.
Right: Dr. Marie Jones (if she is a medical doctor)
Right: Vice President Richard Uchida ’79 is an alumnus.
Right: Richard Uchida ’79, vice president, general counsel, and secretary of the College, is an alumnus.
14. Student Classifications
Do not capitalize first-year student, sophomore, junior, or senior, whether referring to a class or to an individual student. When referring to a particular class year, capitalize Class, e.g., Class of ’15, Class of 1845. Use first-year (with hyphen) when referring to an individual or the whole body of first-year students.
Right: The senior class sponsored the lecture.
Right: He is a senior English major.
Right: Sara is a first-year student with the Class of 2026.
15. Historical Periods
Consult the American Heritage Dictionary, but generally capitalize the names of historical periods. Spell out first through ninth centuries and use numbers for 10th and above with century in lowercase. Hyphenate century when using as an adjective.
Right: the Renaissance
Right: Baroque music
Right: the 20th century
Right: the 20th-century historian
16. Honors
Lowercase cum laude, magna cum laude, and summa cum laude. Do not italicize.
17. Majors, Programs
When they are not a part of a designated degree, do not capitalize majors, specializations, or concentrations of study except for proper names: English, Spanish, German, etc.
Right: He received a bachelor of arts in history.
Right: She majored in economics and Spanish.
Right: concentration in creative writing
Right: a program in women’s, gender, and sexuality studies
Right: the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program
18. Regional Designations
Capitalize regions within the United States as nouns, e.g., East Coast and the Midwest. Generally lowercase adjectives, e.g. the northern U.S., western Pennsylvania. (An exception is Southern California.) Lowercase when referring to central Maine or the state of Maine. Belgrade Lakes is capitalized.
Right: Colby and the Belgrade Lakes are located in central Maine.
Right: The sun sets in the west.
Right: America’s water crisis is worst in the West.
19. Seasons
Lowercase spring, summer, fall, and winter and all derived words such as springtime. Capitalize only when part of a formal name.
Right: fall semester, summer session
Right: Winter Olympics
Right: We had an especially dry summer.
20. State and Federal
Lowercase state in all references. Use caps for federal as part of formal name or title. Lowercase it when used as an adjective to distinguish something from state, country, city, town, or private entities.
Right: our state colleges
Right: the federal loans
Right: the state of Maine
Right: a Federal Stafford Loan
21. Web Words
The word web is lowercase, as are words derived from it (e.g. website, webcam, webmaster)
The word cloud is lowercase.
The word internet is not capitalized.
HTML and URL are uppercase.
The word online is one word, not capitalized.
The word email does not have a hyphen.
The word Twitter is capped, tweets/tweets/tweeted are not.
When referring to URLs, omit http:// and www. In running text, Colby’s website is simply