Campus Framework Plan
About the Plan
The Campus Framework Plan builds on a legacy of campus planning innovation, establishing a new and comprehensive vision of the campus to support Colby’s strategic priorities and prepare the campus to meet the needs of the future.
Developed by an interactive process with Colby College administration, trustees, and stakeholders, the Campus Framework Plan is based on an understanding of the history of campus development and an analysis of contemporary challenges and opportunities. A planning team led by Beyer Binder Belle, with Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates and Tillet Lighting Design Associates, developed the plan in coordination with the planning and design of multiple capital projects, including a new athletics center, arts and innovation center, and career center. The Framework Plan provides a context for the design of these projects within a larger vision of the campus and with particular attention to social and academic interaction, pedestrian connectivity, landscape, views, and access.

The framework looks at the campus as a whole, addressing campus-wide systems and themes, including the pedestrian experience, wayfinding, site lighting, vehicular access, parking, and service, as well as an expanded network of campus gathering spaces to support community interaction.
Together, these strategies respond to challenges of circulation and functionality, improving existing campus spaces while supporting the continued growth of the campus to meet future needs.
The campus-wide strategies in the Framework Plan provide a vision for a more connected, accessible, and beautiful campus based on clear planning principles and including recommendations for further study.

The Campus Framework Plan has been developed concurrently with a Revitalization Plan for downtown Waterville, advanced by a partnership between Colby College and the City of Waterville and with the participation of numerous Waterville-area institutions and stakeholders.
The two plans are coordinated to promote connectivity and engagement between campus and city, revitalizing the historic bond between Colby and downtown Waterville.