FWC Courses
Farnham Writers’ Center
Supporting writers since 1984

WP 112: Writers’ Workshop
An individualized, weekly tutorial session with a trained peer writing tutor from the Farnham Writers’ Center. Meets weekly for 1 hour during the time of your choice for a total of (at least) 10 hours per semester. Open to students from first-years to seniors. Students usually take WP112 with a W1 (first-year writing) , senior thesis, or other writing-intensive courses. Meetings may focus on writing assignments, reading assignments, grammar, professors’ feedback or anything else related to writing or research for any courses. May be repeated for credit.
WP 113: Conversation Hour for International Students
This one-credit course is designed for students who wish to practice/hone their oral academic English. Discussion-based, which uses different texts and visual materials to prompt oral discussion. Students are expected to prepare for class discussion by reading texts, writing reflections, and viewing visual materials ahead of time. International students and others with multilingual backgrounds are especially welcome. This course may be repeated twice for credit. Non-graded.
EN/WP214: Tutoring Writing
A pedagogy and training course for writing tutors and writing fellows that focuses on peer review and collaborative learning in both theory and practice. Readings include essays and articles on peer review, learning styles and differences, multilingual student writing, strategies of revision, and writing center pedagogy. Assignments include writing, readings, grammar review and practice, a reflective blog, mock tutorials, and supervised tutorials to prepare enrolled students to help their peers improve as writers and to work with faculty as writing fellows. Students completing the course may apply for work-study positions in the Writers’ Center. Prerequisite: W1 course.