Grant/Endowment Information
Faculty pursuing external grants must have their budgets reviewed by the Director of Administrative Financial Services, Scott Smith. Scott works closely with the (CFGR) Corporate, Foundation and Government Relations Office staff to monitor the grant application process. More informaiton about the grant process is available at the CFGR site.
Once a grant has been approved for funding, Scott will work with the Principal Investigator to:
- Establish grant account within Colby’s accounting system
- Ensure compliance with grantor financial policies and procedures
- Monitor budget spending
- Comply with federal regulations in the case of governmental grants
Some adacemic and administrative departments utilize the annual income from certain endowded funds. These endowment funds may be part of the operating budget or in addition to the operating budget. For questions about the amount of income available, the restrictions on a particular fund or general informaiton about the endowment please contact the Director of Administrative Financial Services, Scott Smith at 207.859.4123.